Chapter 33

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The month was drawing to a close and Hinari had been training almost every day. She hadn't heard much about Sasuke and Naruto. She only knew that Sasuke was somewhere in the mountains with Kakashi and Naruto was in the forest with a Jiraiya. What she did know was that this Jiraiya must be quite perverted.

In addition to her jutsus, Hinari had also trained the Sharingan to be able to use it better in a fight. Of course, she had practiced with Shisui and Itachi, but they didn't know her jutsus themselves. Shisui would never be able to see them either. She had totally missed her Nii-chan during the training. She also missed Itachi every day. He hadn't shown up yet. Had he forgotten about her? Had Sasuke and her become irrelevant to him? How much she wanted to see this Uchiha again.

"Hey Hinari, concentrate." Shikamaru spoke softly as Genma began to speak. She looked apologetically at her newfound friend. When they had looked at the clouds together, it was nice to talk to him. For some reason, they had hit it off and had met often since then. Even if she sometimes had to watch him play shogi. Despite her limitations, she had eventually grasped the principle of the game and was allowed to try it herself with the help of the Sharingan. Hinari had visibly lost, but she had enjoyed it.

"Where's Sasuke?" Naruto asked the group. It was strange that the Uchiha was late. Naruto should actually know who he was traveling with. Sasuke wouldn't be on time because of Kakashi. "He's not the only one missing." Genma said. It was true, Hinari couldn't find a chakra. "Dozu is missing."

Hinari widened her eyes slightly. What, her opponent had disappeared? "What about my fight now?" the Uchiha asked, getting a look from Genma. "From the looks of it, you'll automatically move up a round." Slightly offended, Hinari puffed out her cheeks. That was really mean. She had been so looking forward to fighting and testing her jutsus. But after a while she realized that she might have to fight Temari or Shikamaru. Hinari didn't want to fight the Nara.

Since it was Sasuke's turn later, Genma thought it was time to start the test. So the participants went to the balcony to watch the fight between Naruto and Neji. Hinari's thoughts, however, were elsewhere again. Why did Dozu suddenly disappear? Was he afraid of losing to an Uchiha who was blind? Hardly. No matter how often she thought about it, she couldn't come up with an answer. It would probably remain a mystery forever.

"Naruto Uzumaki has won!" shouted Genma, causing Hinari to look up. What do you mean, Naruto won? "You were thinking again." Shikamaru simply said and only briefly explained what had happened. So the red chakra had helped him.

The minutes passed and Genma became slightly nervous. Where was Sasuke Uchiha? The residents were just waiting for him. He looked up questioningly at the Hokagen, who decided to postpone the fight. The residents would never forgive him if they were not allowed to watch the fight. When Genma told everyone this and wanted to start the next fight, the genin raised his hand. "I give up!" shouted Kankuro, which didn't please Shino so much. Apparently he had been looking forward to it just as much as Hinari had been looking forward to their fight.

"Now it's your turn Shikamaru!", Naruto taunted and patted him on the back as he didn't even move. "Not in the mood..." he muttered and after another slap, he fell over the ground. Annoyed, he looked at Naruto. "Sorry..." Naruto laughed lightly. Why did Shikamaru have to fight a girl again?

Hinari smiled at the Nara. He would manage somehow. During his fight, Hinari had analyzed everything with her chakra. This Temari had quite a bit of power when she used her jutsus. Not much came from Shikamaru, however. He didn't speak, but thought about a strategy. If you didn't know him, it would look like he was asleep or couldn't do anything. As was the case with Naruto, who babbled to him the whole time.

For a brief moment, Hinari could see a shadow above her head and lifted it slightly. A jacket could be seen in the sky with a kunai attached to it. What had Shikamaru been thinking? "You forgot the hole that was made in the fight before." she heard Shikamaru say and laughed lightly. The jacket was a distraction and a help to expand his shadow. Really clever of him.

There was silence for a long time until only these words were heard from Shikamaru. "I give up."

The blind Uchiha Shikamaru FFWhere stories live. Discover now