Nagisa x Reader

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❥ Requested by @pandaKittenz

Alright I'm gonna attempt since, Nagisa is like a precious and innocent... Puppy.


∞    ∞

"Nagisa-kun~~!" You cheered running up to the light blue haired boy, a smile visible on your face.

"Yes (Your Name)-chan?" He asked with a smile.

"I was thinking, after school do you wanna get ice cream?" You asked a hint of pink on your cheeks.

"Sure (First name)." Nagisa replied with a smile making you grin.

"Alright, let's train, who ever loses, has to pay for the winner." You said with a grin.

"Alright (first name). You're on!" He said and you grinned mischievously.

The 2 of you got into your stance, holding the anti-Sensei knives.

You swiftly tried to get his side but he dodged it, putting his heel at the back of your knee, pulling it towards him.

You fell onto your knee and he poked your forehead with the green rubbery knife.

You pouted and he chuckled, holding a hand for you.

|| after school ||

Nagisa and you headed to the ice cream parlor, you with a pout on your face.

Nagisa noticed and let out a small laugh.

"Awhhh (first name), don't need to pout!" He said with a smile and you looked at him.

You couldn't help it to smile back.

"I'll pay, don't worry so stop pouting." He said patting the top of your head.

"E-ehhh?! But I lost! The bet we made!" You said and he waved his hand up and out.

"It's fine, (first name) I'll pay okay." He said ruffling your (hair color) locks, your (eye color) orbs focused on his blue ones.

"Okay... But since your paying..." You trailed off jumping on his back, he caught you instantly.

"I want a piggy back ride!" You said and he chuckled.

"Okay (nickname)" he said making you blush.

∞    ∞

My boyfriend broke up with me today DURING LUNCH WOWZA.

I cried for atleast an hour of class, then I was back to normal.

I went to the bathroom and I came back to my 6th period all like "YAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!"

I just got out of Dance class, I'm so tired, I have to do my Spanish homework right now

[Up next]

 ❥Isogai X reader

Ansatsu Kyoushitsu || X reader ||Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora