Nagisa x (cyborg) reader

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I dont really know how cyborgs work but uh Enjoy~

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Ever since you were little, you had mechanical parts attached to your body. Practically half human And half robot, people saw you differently though so you were pulled out of school, educated by your 'master' who had fixed you like this so you could live.

Soon then you asked to join the E-class, you had to admit you were scared but you were also happy. It's been awhile since you left the house.

Your master, (random name), (he/she) had created robotic parts that look like normal skin but you can make it change into any weapon. Before (he/she) created it, your arms was grey while you had a (different color) eye while your other one was (random color).  

When you had arrived to the E-class, everyone was so nice to you. You were close with Nagisa now by this point, which made you happy but some part of you made you sad because what if he didn't like you because your a cyborg? It's not like you're any different, you just had different needs.

"(First name)? Why aren't you getting in the pool?" Nagisa asked as you were sitting beside korosensei's life guard post. 

"Huh? N-no reason. I just don't feel like it.." You replied shyly. 

"Eh? Why not?" Karma asked smirking throwing water at you. 

Immediately reacting, your arm turned into something that could deflect it which was (Insert weapon). Nagisa stared at you in awe, getting out of the pool.  Your hand transformed back, you lowered your head and Nagisa placed a towel over you smiling.

"That's really cool (first name)." Nagisa said smiling making you smile back.

"Yeah~! So cool!" Everyone agreed smiling.

"Come on,how about after school we hang out?" Nagisa asked and you nodded happily.

∞ ∞

HOPE YOU LIKED IT :D I'm skyping with my friends rn so i can try to get a lot of updates up, plus it's 1am and im going somewhere tmr HNGGG AHAHA i'll probably be needing 2 cups of coffee later LOL

Coming Up for this book

Sugino x Reader Lemon

Maehara X reader Lemon

Isogai X (Suicidal) Reader

Coming Up for What If scenarios ass class

they took a bath with you

they went to the pool

they caught you masturbating

You caught them masturbating

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