Isogai X reader

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"Yuma... You really don't have too. I got it." You said watching your boyfriend, isogai take care of ( Younger Cousins name). 

You had to cancel your date with Isogai due to babysitting but also you had a slight cold. Being the loving boyfriend he is, He came over and decided to take care of You and (Younger Cousin's name). 

"I want to (First name)." Isogai said planting a kiss on your forehead, as you sat on the couch a blanket around you with (favorite food) and medicine. 

"(First name)Nee-chan!" Your younger cousin said walking over to you, handing you another blanket.

You smiled and patted (His/her) head before taking the second blanket. Isogai sat beside you as (Younger cousins name) watched a T.V show. He wrapped his arms around your waist and you rested your head on his chest, holding the blanket closer to your body.

"Thank You Yuma.. I love you." You said as Isogai ran his fingers through your (Hair color) locks. 

"No problem (First name), I love you more." He said kissing your temple.

∞ ∞

Ughh I have a cold and my nose is so stuffy hvgfjgf But

Hope you liked it Woop woop.

[ Coming Up ]

Idk yet Lmao 

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