Sugino X Reader X Kanzaki

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Sugino, we already knew that he was pretty shy around girls. He obviously liked Kanzaki but he liked some one else too. Who was it exactly? You, (Last name) (First name). Sure Kanzaki was pretty and played video games, sugino couldn't take his eyes off of you when you had entered the E-class. Your personality, (Hair color) locks, and (Eye color) orbs caught his eyes

It just seemed so unique to him.

"Hey Sugino-kun." You said happily smiling as you walked towards the dark blue haired boy who was sitting at his desk

"O-oh! H-hey (Last name)-chan!" He pipped up loudly due to how nervous he got around you.

"Did you see the baseball game last night?" You asked smiling.

"Y-yeah! i can't believe (Insert random team) lost.." He said and you giggled.

"Sugino-kun. (Last name)-chan. Wanna head to the cafe with everyone else?" Kanzaki asked with a smile.

"Sure!" You replied with a smile.

Sugino decided to tag along because, well his two crushes were going. He wanted to confess to one of you today, he just didn't know who. He couldn't pick.

You both were so important to him, he didn't know who to pick. After the cafe, he was planning to walk one of you home. 

Your ending:

"Eh.. Sugino-kun. You really didn't have to walk me home. I told you i would be fine." You said smiling as Sugino stood beside you, as the both of you walked towards your place.

"It's kind of late (Last name)-chan. I'm not letting you walk home alone." He said blushing but also kept a smile on his face.

You giggled and playful pushed his arm. He smiled and laughed along with you.

"Listen (Last name).." He started and you hummed in response, indicating that you were listening.

"I-I really Like you! P-Please accept my feelings!" He said bowing at a 90 degree angle. 

You blushed and giggled, hugging him. He wrapped his arms around you as you nuzzled your face into your neck.

Kanzaki Ending:

"(Last name)-chan.. are you sure you don't want me to walk you home?" Sugino asked you as you stood by the cafe.

"Its fine Sugino! (friends name or some guy from the E class) will!" You said smiling.

"You should walk Kanzaki home though." You replied as (Friends name or any guy from E class) stood  beside you.

"Eh.. Sugino-kun. You really didn't have to walk me home. I told you i would be fine." Kanzaki said smiling as Sugino walked beside her.

"It's kind of late Kanzaki-chan. I'm not letting you walk home alone." He said blushing but also kept a smile on his face.

"Listen Kanzaki.." He started and you hummed in response, indicating that you were listening.

"I-I really Like you! P-Please accept my feelings!" He said bowing at a 90 degree angle.

"KNEW IT~!" (Randon person or someone from E class)  whispered loudly making you hit his head

"Shut the fuck up we will get caught!" You whispered.

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AAA hope you enjoyed, I tried on this since i don't really do love triangles that much LOL.

Coming Up for this book

Isogai X reader X Maehara X chiba *AU, 17th century* (Might be a little difficult but i will try my best lolol)

Itona X reader

Coming Up for What If scenarios ass class

They cooked for you

if you were on your period + Chiba and Itona

heard you sing + Itona

you fell asleep on them

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