Isogai X reader X maehara X chiba (AU, 17th cen)

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In the 17th century, there was at least a Shogun and his name was, Isogai Yuma. He had his daimyos (servants) Maehara Hiroto and Chiba Ryuunosuke. Now where were you in this story? Oh you were Isogai's Princess/prince, his Daimyo's would often serve you and keep an eye on you.

"Maehara, go get (First name). and tell her/him to not take a long time." Isogai ordered and Maehara nodded, before rushing over to your room, seeing you laying down sleeping peacefully in your bed.

He couldn't help it to smile at how adorable you looked. Being snapped out of his thoughts by another voice which clearly wasn't yours. Unless... your voice was some how manly then.. Maehara turned his head and saw Chiba, one of the other servants.

"Quit staring, she/he needs to get up now." Chiba said as he walked over to the bed you were sleeping in.

Maehara blinked a few times before heading towards you, gently shaking you awake.

"Go away..." You grumbled out, pulling the sheet over your head.

Chiba pulled the curtains open, letting the sunlight in. 

"Isogai-sama is waiting for you." Maehara said making you sit up, slowly.

"Alright alright... tell him i'll be there soon." You said and the two boys nodded before exiting the room.

"You have to admit (First name)-sama looked cute when she just woke up." Maehara said smiling.

"Yeah. Isogai-sama can't find out we said that though." Chiba said with a blank expression as the two of them walked down the hallway.

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LOL sorry its late I tried but anyways~ I got into GOT7 (I was trying to not do a pun LOL) HIT THE TUANNN.. JFC Anyways I hope you liked this one shot, Im watching the Just right dance practice and i slowed it down (which was such a hilarious thing to do) so i could learn the dance and hopefully do a cover soo :DD I hope it got this historically correct tho LOL

 ❃ Coming Up for this book

Itona X reader

Coming Up for What If scenarios ass class

if you were on your period + Chiba and Itona

heard you sing + Itona

you fell asleep on them

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