(Mischevious) karma x (cool) reader

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Requested by: PrincessWhateverTo_U

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(Last name) (first name), yes you, were rather popular due to how you acted. Everyone thought it was cool and amazing.

Of course, you being a  (insert famous job), all your fans has thought you were cool. Being sent to the E class didn't change your coolness/popularity though, everyone still saw you as a (famous job). Of course there was one person who would mess with you all day, karma Akabane.

"(Last name)-San~" the boy purred in your ear making you jump in surprise.

"What Akabane?" You asked looking at the boy who was holding (favorite snack).

"you want?" He asked and you rose a brow.

"Sure I guess." You said walking over to him, only to be tripped.

You landed on your face ( Oops). You shot up, sitting on your calves, you sighed managing to keep your cool. Karma snickered at you and you rolled your eyes.

"What ever Akabane." You mumbled heading towards the door.

You opened the door only to be splashed with water. You (hair color) locks sticking to your head and face.

"Karma-Kun. I think that's enough." Nagisa said towards the red head who was laughing his ass off.

You continued walking, heading home to get changed. Days had gone by and Karma was still pulling pranks on you. Which has annoyed you, but you had to keep your cool so your rep wouldn't go down. 

"(Last name)!!"

"(Last name) over here!"

You smiled as you waved towards your fans. Karma smirked and grabbed your leg making you yelp. Staring at the red head, he only gave you a smirk which made an idea pop into your head.

You quickly grinned and pressed your lips against him making him flustered. Before he could kiss back, you pulled away with a smirk on your face this time. Karma was almost he same color as his hair.


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yeah this was all I had, hope you liked it ;D

[Coming up]

Itona X reader Lemon

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