Karma X reader

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BAE hello XD

Requested by; 

∞ ∞

"(first name)."




"(Cute ass nickname).."


"Oi, (first name)." Karma said which made you huff in response.

You turned away, ignoring your red haired boyfriend. You were mad at him. Why? Because he pulled a prank on you this morning, which had scared you which caused you to break (something precious).

"(First name)~...." Karma whined hugging your body but you just shrugged him off.

He frowned and looked at your (something precious).

"I'm sorry (first name). I'll go get it fixed." He said and you finally looked at him.

"You mean it?" You asked with puppy eyes making him kiss your cheek.

"Yes." He said sighing.

"YAYYYYY!!!! I love you!!" You yelled pouncing the red head.

"Yeah yeah..... Love you too." He mumbled hugging your body closer to his.

∞ ∞

So i went to the beach today and Holy fuck the water was cold LOL

Hope ya enjoyed that :D

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