Nagisa x (artist) reader

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You always loved drawing and painting. You drew whatever you saw that was pretty. You sat at your desk, sketching out a picture of cherry blossoms.

"Woah! (Last name)-San! That's really good!" Nagisa complimented making you smile.

"Ahaha,.. Thanks Nagisa." You said blushing slightly.

"Can I see the rest of your drawings?" He asked and you nodded handing him your sketchbook.

He looked through them, smiling. Coming across your unfinished drawing, which was suppose to be a portrait. You only had the nose and mouth done.

"Hey (last name)-chan?" He asked.

"Yes?" You said.

"Can you draw me?" Nagisa asked showing you your unfinished drawing.

"O-oh.. S-sure." You stuttered.

Nagisa smiled and you smiled back.


(First name): Nagisa! I finished it! *shows the portrait*

Nagisa: it's amazing! Thanks (last name)!

(First name): hehe.. No problem.

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