Isogai x (Male) reader

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Requested by: I forgot LMAOO 

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A sigh escaped your lips as you stretched your arms from working at the cafe, it was tiring. You didn't know how Isogai managed to keep up with school and working so many hours, You had always admired that about Isogai, despite being a guy he was just so interesting and worked hard.

"Isogai-kun, can you take this to table three?" You asked looking at him, smiling while he smiled back.

"Of course! Also the answer is the third one!" Isogai called out as you looked down at your papers of your homework, a smile rose to your lips as you wrote it down.

You even wondered how he managed to keep his grade up but then again he is an 'ikemen' which just made you more interested in him. Always so nice and polite despite if anyone was rude to him, thats what you admired a lot.

You brought the tray of food and drinks to one of the tables, seeing Isogai talk to them before serving others who had just walked in. You looked up and saw the same uniform you had saw Isogai wearing before he had changed.

"Oh.. Do you guys go to the same school as Isogai?" You asked placing the drinks down while one of the girls looked at you, with their eyes shining.

"Another Ikemen!!" They cheered and you chuckled, smiling.

"Yeah we do! You know Isogai-kun?" The blue haired male asked curious while you nodded.

"I've been working at this cafe for awhile, I met him when he just applied." you answered remebering the times where Isogai would constantly ask you for help, you found it quite adorable.

"Do you go to Kunugigaoka too?" One of the girls with the ponytail asked while you shook your head.

"No... i go to (Insert school). Kunugigaoka is a bit strict on my taste.." You replied honestly while Isogai was at the cashier looking confused.

"(Last name)-kun~ I need help!!" He cried out while you chuckled walking over to the counter, while he explained how he didn't know how to really use the cashier that much.

You only chuckled at how adorable he was and continued to help him, explaining how each button worked and how exactly to use it. The group looked at the two of you, practically crying on how two ikemens were working together.

"I thought Isogai loved me~... hashtag IsoMae has died.." Maehara sobbed out.

"Oh (Last name)-kun you have something on your cheek.." Isogai said while you reached up to grab it but he grabbed your hand and leaned over placing a small peck on it.

"G-got it.." He said blushing.

"ISOMAE HAS REALLY DIED NOW!!" Maehara cried out.

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Coming Up for this book

*Let dem request come in* Wink wink

Coming Up for What If scenarios ass class

they saw you crying

they slept with you because you are afraid

they farted/ you farted ( a very... funny and smelly scenario. I'm probably gonna have too much fun writing this.)

you got back together with them (Sequel to fighting since ya'll liked that one)

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