(Chapter 2) Stupid People

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Gavin's POV

"Excuse me. Sorry, sorry, excuse me." I said while trying to walk through the line outside of Game Stop.

"Stupid people and there video games." I chuckled because well I was one of them. I spent my time uploading videos of me playing Black Ops or Minecraft, on YouTube. Yeah I know I have no life. Damn, I need a girlfriend or a least friends. I laughed to myself, because I knew that probably would never happen. I mean no one spends time with guys like me who sit in front of the Tv or computer playing video games and 'doing homework' all day. Oh wait. I don't do homework, I would if I had any but hey I graduated at least.

I needed to get to the store quickly after I dropped my new CoD Ghosts game off at my house so I could get some food because food is good. But mainly because my only friend Bryce always eats everything in my house.

As I was running into my house I almost plowed into Bryce. "Sorry Bryce, what are you doing here?" I asked him and he laughed.

"We were going to play the new CoD game remember? Or did you forget?" Bryce questioned and ran his fingers through his hair.

"No! I didn't forget. But I need to run to the store quick so, anything you'd like to eat or drink?" I asked.

"Definitely Oreos and probably Pepsi." He answered as I let him in the house. "See ya in a bit." He waved as I ran to the store.

It's times like this when I wish I had money for gas. But a Game Stop pay check doesn't help much.

Kendall's POV

"Listen Clayton, I'd love to talk some more but I can't just drop all my plans for a brother that hasn't even attempted to contact me for 6 years." I sighed and hung up. 1) because the flight was here and 2) because I didn't want to talk to him anymore.

"Nothing's going to ruin this day remember?" Susan smiled at me and I nodded as we walked to our flight.

When we got on the plane I immediately tried to sleep so I could pass the time. "Kendall wake up." Susan said very excitedly while shaking me.

"What?" I questioned while wiping the tiredness out of my eyes.

"We're here." She smiled and pointed out the window. I saw Big Ben as we were flying past to land.

We already had a renter car ready for us at the airport and we quickly ran to it. "I wonder what the house looks like." Susan said excitedly and got in the passenger seat.

"Well my mom said that it was a big place. So let's hope so." I laughed while pulling out of the parking lot. It was about a 45 minute drive to the new house but we finally made it to the house I would call home for a while.

I walked in the set of double doors and found myself in a small hallway with stairs going up to the bedrooms. If you walked to the left you would end up in the living room and if you continued straight you would be in the kitchen. The first bathroom was next the stairs with another in the living room and two more upstairs. Going up the stairs you could turn for three guest rooms or right for the other guest room and the master bed room which of course would be my room.

"Well I have to go to the store to get a few things for the house for while your still here ok Susan." I said to Susan as she was unpacking her things for the month she was going to be staying.

"Ok. Take your time." She yelled as I was walking to the front door.

The ride to the store was kinda boring. I listened to One Direction and Little Mix on the way there. Yeah I know I'm lame.

I got out of the car and quickly ran into the store because it began to rain a little bit. I grabbed a few things like Mac N Cheese, Doritos and some other things that filled my basket. I suddenly thought about what my dad used to say. 'Kendall put those back you don't need them!' I heard him yell at me. I looked at my legs, then my stomach. Was it true? I thought about the month I cut back on eating. I only ate my lunch because I didn't want my friends to know.

I felt tears come to my eyes as I quickly remembered he was gone and I was far away from him. I walked to the checkout. The cashier looked like she was my age so about 20. She had long blonde hair and light blue eyes.

"Hello, paper or plastic?" She said smiling with her dimples looking like huge craters. I happened to love dimples they made a lot of cute guys look even cuter. Her accent also sounded so amazing. I loved London already.

"Um plastic please." I said kinda hesitating.

"You don't sound like your from around here?" She said while scanning my items

"Oh no I'm from America. I just moved here today actually." I said while paying her.

"Oh that's cool. You seem pretty nice. My names Mackenzie." She laughed while pointing at her name tag and holding out her hand for me to shake.

"Nice to meet you Mackenzie. I'm Kendall." I replied while shaking her hand.

"Nice to meet you Kendall.hopefully I'll see you around." She smiled.

I walked outside with my hands filled with groceries while looking down to keep the rain from going in my eyes. Suddenly I bummed into someone and we both fell.

"Ugh." I heard him groan.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bump you I'm such a clutz." I said nervously.

He chuckled "No worries it was my fault. I should have been ----." That's when I saw his face. He was so adorable with his bright green eyes and shaggy brown hair.

Gavin's POV

That's when I looked at her. Her blue eyes and long brown hair she was perfect. I felt my cheeks get warm. I really hope I wasn't blushing and damn, was she beautiful. Oh, who am I kidding a girl like that would never like a guy like me.

Trying to find the right words I said "Sorry love, didn't mean to run into you." I saw her blush and I held a hand out to help her up. "So you're new here I'm quessing?" I questioned her while picking up the bags she dropped.

"Uh yeah I just moved here. Today actually." She said back while I walked her to her car.

"That's cool. My name's Gavin. And you?" I asked.

"I'm Kendall." She said

I can't believe I'm going to do this. No I can't. Come on Gavin ask her, this is your only shot man.

"So Kendall would you maybe wanna. You know um hang out sometime." I asked then instantly felt really nervous.

She smiled and said "Sure Gavin. Wanna swap numbers?"

"Yeah, totally." I said while she took my phone and I took hers.

I said good bye to her and as soon as she was out of sight I started dancing happily through the parking lot. Then I screamed "She said yes!" A lot of people laughed and some congratulated me.

Kendall's POV

I sat in my car and felt really happy. He was so adorable. I was really happy he asked me to hang out. I can't wait until I see him again.

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