(Chapter 17) Secrets Surprises and.... Weddings?

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"Nice to meet you Liam." Zander smiled.

"Sorry, I thought maybe you were a long lost boyfriend or something." Liam smiled.

"No." Zander and I yelled at the same time.

"I could never date him. He's like a brother to me." I explained.

"Yeah, that would be like dating your family. Disgusting." Zander laughed.

"Nice to know you have such a great relationship." Harry mumbled.

"Harry, you know you're like a brother to me. I've just known Zander since birth." I explained.

"No, I get it." He smiled.

"And now I get to be with you guys for a whole year." I exclaimed.

"I know, I know." He laughed.

"Wait, you aren't staying?" Zander said confused.

"No, I'm going on tour with them." I explained.

"You guys are in a band?" He asked and I pulled my phone out showing him a picture of the guys. "That's you guys?" He asked and they nodded. "I was wondering why you looked so familiar. So you're dating someone who get bombarded by chicks?" He laughed.

"Well, I guess you could say that." Liam shrugged.

"Wait hold on a second. If you've known him since birth how come I've never met him?" Susan asked.

"Because I knew if you did you'd be all over him." I laughed.

"So not true. Okay, probably. But that was then." She confessed.

"I mean you had a crush on both of my cousins." I laughed.

"They were twins." She giggled. "And that was only until I saw a picture of Zayn."

"So I'm guessing you two are dating." Zander questioned.

"Yeah." She smiled and Zayn put his arm around her waist.

Suddenly I heard many footsteps coming down the stairs and everyone moved out of the way. "Cooper!" I yelled in excitement when I saw my all white German Shepard running towards me. He pushed me on the ground and started licking my face. "I missed you buddy." I laughed while rubbing his head.

"Cooper!" Susan smiled and Cooper started licking her hands.

"Guys, and Eleanor. This is Cooper. Cooper these are my friends." I smiled and Cooper stopped by everyone smelling their hands and getting a slight pat on the head.

"Cooper! Breakfast!" My mom called from the kitchen and Cooper bolted for the other room.

"Let's go four wheeling." Susan laughed.

"You haven't been four wheeling since Mitch was around." Zander said and I shrugged.

"That's why you didn't want to go?" Susan questioned.

"Guys. I don't want to talk about him right now." I sighed and Susan shrugged. Making the others look confused.

We walked down to the barn and Zander and Liam opened the doors. I saw 7 four wheelers lined up next to each other facing the door. "So follow Zander." I explained and walked towards the second four wheeler.

Liam got on first and I hesitantly followed. "Are you sure about this?" He asked and I nodded. Zander pulled out of the barn and turned to the back route. Liam followed and I leaned my head against his back and put my arms around him.

I looked back at Susan driving with Zayn on the back. Behind them was Niall and Harry and following them was Louis and Eleanor. We were next to Zander and passing my old deer stand where Zander took me hunting. Zander stopped at a cross road and turned to me. "Which way do you want to go?"

Met by accident (One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now