(Chapter 29)

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"I didn't know you were listening Kendall" Liam sighed. 

"Obviously." I cried and ran upstairs. 

"Why are you bwing so stupid lately?" Perrie asked and ran after me. 

Harry's POV 

"What is your deal lately?" I asked. 

"I don't know. I didn't do it Harry. I'm just pissed off at Stefan." He answered. 

"So you say that? What the hell dude." I sighed and walked towards the living room. 

"I don't know what's wrong with me Harry! Okay. I just don't know." He sighed. 

"You don't know?" Zayn questioned. 

"Why are you hurting her? Why?" I yelled and the door opened. 

"I knew my sister couldn't trust some low life celebrity." Zander laughed and walked into the kitchen. 

"Listen, I'm not in the mood right now." Liam waved him off. 

"Not in the mood? I wonder if Kendall was in the mood to get cheated on. Do you think she was?" Zander  questioned and kind of got in Liam's face. 

"I said I wasn't in the mood!" Liam yelled and pushed him away. Knocking him into the counter. 

"Really? You want to do that?" Zander questioned. "If I had a good side this is definately not the way to get on it." 

"Guys! Stop!" Kendall screamed and everyone stared at her. 

"Kendall. I've missed you." Zander sighed and went to hug her. 

"Yeah, well coming here and getting pushed around the kitchen probably wasn't the best entrance." She explained and I kind of laughed. 

"Sorry." I said when I noticed that they were staring at me. 

"I thought you said he wouldn't be here." Stefan sighed while walking into the kitchen. 

"Actually I didn't say that he wasn't I said I hoped he wasn't. But all my hopes and dreams were crushed when I walked into the door." Zander answered him. 

"Be nice. Seriously." Kendall sighed. 

"Be nice? I dont think he's been the nicest person lately." Stefan said and Liam sighed. 

"Just drop it Stefan." She snapped. 

"We all know he isn't going to drop it." Liam laughed. 

"Did I ask for your opinion? I didn't think so." Stefan questioned and Liam walked away.

"Why are you guys so mean?" She questioned and walked towards the dinning room. 

"I made Mac N Cheese!" Louis smiled when I sat down next to Kendall. 

"Thanks Louis." She sighed and played with the food in front of her. "But, I'm not so hungry." 

"Kendall, please eat something. Don't do this again." I sighed and she looked at me. 

"I'm sorry." She looked away and stood up walking away. 

I slammed my fist on the table and everyone stared at me. i quickly walked to the living room where Liam was headed. "I hope you're happy." I yelled and he stood up. 

"Happy aobut what?" 

"She's doing it again. She isn't eating. You hurt her so badly she is back to where she started!" I stated and lightly pushed him. 

"You're only saying that because you're in love with her." He whispered in my ear and sat back down. What?

"We have a interview later. So we have to be ready. I'll go talk to Kendall." Niall said and walked away. 

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