Chapter 61

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Liam's POV 

"Liam wake up!" I heard a small voice giggle. Slowly, my eyes opened. I was expecting to see Danielle or Perrie, or any other female. Who I did see, startled me so much that I fell off the bed and on my hip. "Liam, what are you doing?" Kendall giggled and jumped off the bed. I was now laying on my back and she sat on top of me. Her knees on either side of my body. 

"What am I doing? What are you doing?" I questioned out of shock. "You died." 

"Okay, well as you can see. I'm not dead. You did look like you were having a bad dream. Travis and everyone else are waiting downstairs." She smiled her beautiful smile. Travis?  I thought to myself. She stood back up and offered her hand for me to take. BUt, instead of standing up I pulled her back down on top of me. She squealed a little and landed on my chest. "Liam," She giggled and I cupped her face in my hands. As if by habit, my lips connected with hers. "What was that for?" She smiled. 

"I love you, so much Kendall," I sighed and ran my fingers through her her hair, which wasn't short anymore. 

"I love you too," She smirked and kissed me again. Cooper started barking from downstairs and Kendall's eyes lit up. "Ooh! Maybe that's Ashton!" She said excitedly and hopped off of me. Quickly she pulled me up and dragged me towards that stairs. "Ashton!" She squealed as he dropped his bags. He opened his arms for a hug and she gladly excepted the hug. The three other boys slowly charged in after and Kendall's eyes lit up again. 

"Hi," She smiled. " I'm Kendall." As they put their bags downshe hugged all of them. Surprising Michael. 

"You look like you haven't slept for a week," Harry smirked while walking up to me. 

"Trust me, I slept. For what felt like weeks," I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I couldn't understand what had happened. Was it a dream? Or is this a dream?

"Then what's wrong?" He questioned after he thought it was serious. 


"About what?" 

"Kendall," I answered honestly. "She broke up with me. Then she dated you. Travis died and she got her hair cut. You pissed her off somehow and she became super close to Michael. She got sick Harry. And she died." I sighed. 

"Well, that was, complex. But, she's fine. We're all fine." He gave a small smile and put a hand on my shoulder. 

"I have no idea what's going on, it's the middle of July now, not the end of August," I shrugged. 

"Eh, you'll be fine." Harry laughed and walked over by Louis and Eleanor. The good thing was that Travis was okay. And even better, Kendall. She's okay, and not dead. 

"Lovely," I chuckled and Kendall ran over to me. "Hey," I smiled. 

"You look really freaked out about this whole nightmare thing." She sighed and put her hands on my chest. "I'm okay, really. I'm not going anywhere. I love you Liam." 

"I love you too." 

10 Years Later 

"Sonny! Jace! Your favorite uncle is here!" Ashton laughed while walking in the room, his hands filled with bags. Probably filled with presents. Just as everyone else walked in. 

"Yay!" The twins squealed and ran through the living room. Practically tackling Ashton. 

"Hey Ash." Kendall smiled and wrapped her arms around him. "How're you and Luke?" She questioned as he set the bags down. 

"Great," He smiled and Michael ran up behind her and hugged her. 

"Michael!" She said in surprise. "I didn't know you guys would be here too." 

"I couldn't miss story time." He laughed. 

"Ooh! Yes! Daddy, you must tell the story of how you met mommy!" Sonny giggled and sat on the couch. 

"Okay, okay. Jace, you sit down too," I chuckled as everyone in the room sat down. 


So here's the actual end of the story. :P 

Gotcha. :P :P 

I'm still sad though. Now, it's finally done. :( 


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