Chapter 48

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Ashton's POV 

"Crap." Luke sighed. 

"What are you doing lad?" I questioned. 

"I didn't know her and Harry were together." He shrugged. "Kendall I'm sorry. I wasn't in the main room this morning." 

"Luke, it's fine." Kendall sighed and put the book that was in her hand back on the shelf. She turned around on her heels and walked away. 

"What are you doing?" I asked him. 

"Nothing, I didn't know her and Harry were together." He answered. "And if Kendall's okay then Harry doesn't need to find out." 

"Luke, it doesn't work like that." I shrugged and he let out a long breath. "I don't even know what Kendall's thinking. She's such a hard person to read. Well, at least sometimes. I can tell when she's upset. And I know when her smile is fake. But, stuff like this, I can't tell. I don't know if she's upset, or if she hates you. Which I find that hard to believe, she doesn't hate anyone. Not even her dad." I tried to explain. 

"Harry hates people though." He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. 

"Is there an actual reason you did that?" I asked him. "Kissed her, I mean." 

"Because, the person I love doesn't love me." He shrugged, "I though maybe I could get their attention." 

"Who do you love?" I questioned while looking at a book. 


Kendall's POV 

"Luke, it's fine." I sighed and spun around on my heels. Walking away. I pulled my phone out while I sat on a chair. 

Harry <3 

How's the book shopping going? XOXO 

Kendall :* 

Good, didn't really find anything yet. 

Harry <3 

How do you not find anything? :P 

Kendall :* 

I dunno. I just didn't XP 

Harry <3 

Where's Ashton? And I heard Luke went with you? 

Kendall :* 

I actually haven't seen either of them since we got here. I'll see you later though. :) :* 

Harry <3 

Goodbye, love. :* 

"You okay?" Ashton asked while walking up to me and sitting on a chair close to me. 

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I laughed and he frowned. 

"You know why." he sighed. 

"I'm fine. He didn't know. And he said sorry." I shrugged. 

"That doesn't make what he did okay." He said. 

"No, but I forgive him. And as far as I'm concerned, that's my choice. You seem like the one who's not okay. So, what's wrong?" I raised my eyebrow at him. Noticing that he was moving his hands in a weird way. Which is what he does when he's upset or nervous. "Does he know how you feel? Like did he find out?" 

"No, he told me he." Was all I heard because Luke walked up to us. 

"hey." She smiled. 

"I'm really sorry Kendall." He sighed again. 

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