(Chapter 19) Why Does Everyone Have a Crush on my Family!

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Kendall's POV

"Kendall. I'm sorry." Gavin said while standing up but Liam got in the way.

"Don't you dare touch her." Liam said and slightly pushed Gavin away from me. "Get away or we will have the same problem we did not even 5 minutes ago."

"Listen, I'm not here to hurt you Kendall. I just want you back." Gavin sighed and Harry laughed.

"Like I would let her run to you. You just hurt her. Don't you dare say that you didn't mean to because I can see right through those lies. I swear if you come back I'll get rid of you for good. She's happy, why can't you just accept that?" Harry said in a serious tone.

"I didn't mean to hurt her! I swear." Gavin protested, "You believe me don't you Kendall? Please, I'm so sorry." He pleaded and I shook my head. He ran out of the room and a few seconds later we heard the front door slam.

"So, anyone want to find out if my arms broken. I mean I'm sure it isn't. Whatever though." I shrugged and walked towards the front door.


Liam and I got home from the doctor at about 2. I was right about it not being broken but I do have scars on my arm from where his nails dug into my skin. He said eventually they would heal but I wasn't to worried about it.

"I can't believe he did that to you." Liam said clearly still upset about the whole Gavin thing.

"I'm fine Liam. And I wouldn't be worried about me I'm worried about Reilly." I sighed remembering that they were 'technically' supposed to get married soon. He shrugged and Jenelle ran out by me.

"Reilly is really upset. You need to talk to her." She said and handed me the phone.

"Hello?" I said.

"You stole him from me too. I can't believe you. I hate you Kendall!" She sobbed into the phone and it hurt my ears.

"Why would I do that Reilly. I have a boyfriend that I'm very happy with. And why would I go after someone like him anyways?" I explained and I heard the click noise that meant she probably hung up. We walked back into the house and everyone was gathered in the kitchen.

My mom was out of the house getting some food because Niall had managed to eat most of it. "So, I know who they are, and I'm not sure why I'm not freaking out. I know Eleanor, and I'm glad I got to meet you. I know Susan but I don't know who you are?" Jenelle said and pointed at Zander.

"I'm her brother, Zander." He smiled and held out his hand. Jenelle accepted the gesture and shook his hand back.

"I thought Clayton was your brother?" She asked with a confused tone.

Yeah, Clayton is my brother. I also just found out about my twin brother Zander." I shrugged at Clayton's name.

"Oh my goodness! You have a twin. Holy buckets! That's so cool. I've always wanted a twin." She paused and made a fake pouty face. "Now there's two of you."

I hit her arm slightly and laughed "There's been two of me for almost 20 years."

"When did you find out about him?" She asked while examining us.

"Well, I've known him for like forever. But, I only just found out about him being my brother like an hour or two ago." I explained and she smiled.

"So, you're telling me. You've known him for 19 years and you never told me about him?" She laughed and shook her head at me. "I mean he's pretty hot." She whispered and I hit her.

"What's up with you two and calling my family hot!" I yelled with a laugh and Jenelle and Susan blushed.

"Well, in my defence just look at him!" Jenelle smirked while pointing at Zander. "And could you blame us for thinking that Mitch and Michael were hot. I mean Michael is still hot."

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