(Chapter 6) Uh Oh!

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Kendall's POV

"Why don't you like him Gavin?" I heard Susan say as I was walking to the kitchen to get more toast.

"It's a long story." He said while shrugging.

"Well we have time." I spat, and Susan gave me the Give-Me-Him-A-Break look and I looked back with a Not-My-Fault-He's-An-Idiot look. She shrugged in return. It's not that I'm mad. It's just that the guy I like hates my idol. Maybe he won't hate him after tonight.

"Liam and I were best friends in high school. At one point I had a girlfriend, I really liked her. I told Liam about her and later that day I found them kissing. We hated each other after that." He said and sighed.

"I'm sure he wouldn't do something like that." Susan said sounding hurt by his story. Well I mean I felt bad but, I mean he probably didn't know.

"Well he did! And I hate him for it!" He yelled. I was kinda startled by his voice when he yelled.

"Stop! Stop it. Stop fighting. Seriously we're supposed to have a good time at the concert tonight." I shouted at him.

"We aren't fighting Kendall. And we're going to have a good time tonight." Susan said trying to calm me down.

"Yeah, we're all good, but we better get going if we're going to get there early enough." Gavin said while walking towards the door.

I ran upstairs and grabbed my new One Direction CD Midnight Memories. I ran down to the car and saw Susan getting into the backseat and Gavin getting into the drivers seat. I opened the door and sat down in the passenger seat next to him. I put the CD in and Best Song Ever came on. We sang along the whole way. We listened to the whole CD before we got there. Gavin lead us to our seats and I set my drink down and decided to go to the bathroom before the concert started. I came out of the bathroom and heard someone running. I was going to look around the corner to see what was going on and someone ran into me. "Ow!" I said while hitting the ground.

"Sorry love." I heard a male voice say.

"It's fine." I said while standing up and I looked at him. It was the one and only. Liam Payne.

"Are you okay?" He asked sounding concerned. See he is sweet. Gavin is so wrong about him.

"Yeah, I'm tough." I said while laughing

"You're cute." He said and I was kinda shocked.

"Thanks." I giggled. He wrote something on a piece of paper and handed it to me. "Well, I better go don't wanna miss YOUR concert." I said trying to remind him he had a job to do.

"Yeah. Yeah, me too. But, what's your name?" He said probably remembering where he was.

"I'm Kendall." I said while turning to go back to the seating area. I looked at the piece of paper he gave me and it had a cell phone number on it. Breathe Kendall, breathe it's the most important thing to do right now.

I got back to my seat and sat in between Susan and Gavin. I whispered to Susan what just happened. She seemed a little excited. I mean who wouldn't be.

Liam's POV

After Kendall walked away I hurried and got the drinks for the lads and ran back. "Oh guys, you will not believe what just happened." I said as I put the drinks on the table.

"What happened mate?" Harry said while picking up his drink.

The rest of the lads gathered in the room as I told them about how I met Kendall.

"Wait, is she here?" Louis asked me.

"Yeah. She said she was watching the concert." I said back really excitedly.

"Did you give her your number mate?" Zayn asked.

"Of course I did. I mean she's beautiful, why wouldn't I give her my number?" I said while laughing.

"I wanna meet her." Niall said excitedly.

"Maybe you can meet her after the concert?" I said while shrugging.

"I have an idea." Louis said while looking at Harry. Harry smirked back at him. Damn, I am confused. All the boys looked back and forth at each other. Uh oh.

We were just about to go on stage and the boys were whispering to each other. What are they gonna do? I thought to myself.

We got up on stage and there she was in the front row. She waved to me and I smiled and waved back.

"Nice mate. She is beautiful" Harry whispered to me. The concert was almost over and we started talking.

"So Liam, did you meet anyone today?" Louis said while smirking.

"Why do you ask?" I said nervously.

"Don't be silly Liam. You see, Liam told us a little bit ago that he ran into a beautiful girl while getting us drinks." Niall said.

I got really hot "Her name was Kendall." I said while shaking.

"Awe! Liam's got a crush." Zayn said in a lovey dovey way.

My hands got sweaty. Darn it. I looked over at her and she was giggling.

"Let's bring her up here." Harry said while smirking. I saw her face go beat red.

"I don't know Harry." I said

"Well what do you think guys?" Harry asked the audience and of course they all cheered. "Okay, go get her Liam." he said while smirking. I walked down into the audience and walked down her row. I reached for her hand and I saw who was next to her. Gavin Hayfield.

I brought her back up to the stage. She instantly got along with the guys.

Gavin's POV

"So Liam, did you meet anyone today?" Louis said to Liam.

"Why do you ask?" He questioned.

"Don't be silly Liam. You see Liam told us a little bit ago that he ran into a beautiful girl while getting us drinks." Niall said while smirking at Liam.

"Her name was Kendall." He said looking down. Please not this Kendall. I mean there has got to be like 20 Kendall's here.

"Awe! Liam's got a crush." Zayn said in a lovey dovey way. I saw Kendall and Susan start giggling, so it couldn't possibly be her.

"Let's bring her up here." Harry said and Kendall stopped laughing.

"I don't know Harry?" Liam said to Harry.

"Well what do you guys think?" Harry said looking at the audience. I for one, did not cheer. But everyone else seemed to. "Okay, go get her Liam." Harry said while smirking. Liam walked down into the audience and turned down our row. I looked at Kendall, kinda hurt. He looked at me and I knew he recognized me. Now I will never forgive him.


OMG I have 35 reads. Im happy I don't know about you but I'm happy. I never thought I would have this many reads. I know I know. It's only 35 but dudes, this is awesome!

Anyways! Who is she going to end up with. LIAM. OR.GAVIN. I don't even know yet.

I have a few ways to have this continue but I really don't know. So read and vote please and thank you :) :) :) :) Maybe 50 reads before next time. I mean I would like 50. But im gonna update anyways. So you guys have a good day.

~Peace out, Ashley

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