(Chapter 39)

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"So, we will take a lunch break. Then we will bring the guys in here for you to sing together." Simon said as I took my head set off. 

"What song are we singing?" I questioned and he smiled. 

"That's a surprise. We'll talk about it when we get back." He explained and Cameron followed him out of the room. So, now we eat. I would wonder what we're having. But, I'm kind of wondering where to go. Simon left the room before I could ask him where he was going. Walking around until I found someone I knew seemed like the way to go. 

I opened the door from the recording booth and looked around. There was a few people running around but I didn't recognize any of them. "Excuse me?" I said walking up to a very petite girl. She had blonde hair and light brown eyes. 

"Can I help you?" She asked without even looking at me. Her tone wasn't the nicest either. 

"I was wondering if you could tell me where one of the boys from One Direction were. Or even Simon that would help too." I smiled. But there wasn't a point seeing as though she wasn't looking at me. She turned around and gave me a look as if to say I was crazy. 

"Listen, I can't tell you where they are. You seem to be some teenage girl who's in love with the guys. Now, leave before I call security. Either way they wouldn't want to waste their precious time on someone that is worth nothing to them." She threatened. 

"Jessica!" Someone yelled and walked up to us. "You can't talk to her like that. This is Kendall, Harry's girlfriend. You're lucky that I saw you talking to her like this and not one of the guys. Harry wouldn't put up for this." The guy added. 

"Kendall? I'm so sorry, I was convinced you were some crazed fan." The girl named Jessica apologized. It didn't seem sincere but I went along with it. 

"Come on Kendall. The guys are this way." He said and lead me in the opposite direction. "I'm Josh by the way. I'm the guys' drummer." He added. 

"Well, apparently you already know my name. But, it's nice to meet you Josh." I smiled. "What did you mean when you said that you're lucky that I saw you talking to her and not one of the guys?" I questioned. 

"Just that, she should be lucky it was me. If she was talking to my girlfriend that way and I had the power to fire her I would." He shrugged. 

"So you're saying that if Harry saw her doing that he would fire her?" I asked. 

"Well, probably. No one likes Jessica anyways." He laughed. 

"What happened with Jessica?" Niall asked from behind us. 

"She's being Jessica." Josh answered.

"Did she do something to you?" Niall looked at me. I shook my head hesitantly. 

"She just yelled at her a little bit. Called her a crazed fan. Said you guys wouldn't waste time on someone who means nothing to them." Josh said and Niall sighed. 

"Yeah, don't listen to her. She isn't the brightest person here. Simon doesn't want her to work for us any more than you. Well, then you do now." Niall laughed and scratched the back of his neck. 

"I wasn't planning on listening to her. I know you guys don't think I mean nothing." I shrugged and we walked through another door. I saw the rest of the guys sitting on random speakers. Then I realized that we were on the stage. I've never actually been on a stage before. Seeing as though I was deathly scared of crowds. Something that I may have forgotten for the past two months. 

"You okay?" Harry questioned. 

"Yeah, just. Never mind. Yeah, I'm fine." I smiled. 

"Okay, so LUNCH TIME!!!" Niall yelled and ran towards the front door. 

Harry's POV 

Kendall, Josh and Niall walked through the side door, but Kendall seemed different. She looked around the room and she went quiet. "You okay?" I questioned and walked over to her. 

"Yeah, just. Never mind. Yeah, I'm fine." She smiled. I could tell she wasn't fine though. 

"Okay, so LUNCH TIME!" Niall yelled before I could say something back to her. 


We went to a nearby resturaunt. I forgot the name of it already. Kendall didn't get much. Which made me know that something was definitely wrong. "It's only 5 o'clock. So when we're done we will go back and listen to the song I've picked for all of you to sing." Simon said. 

"Okay seriously. What's wrong?" I whispered to Kendall. 

"Nothing. I'm just not hungry right now." She shrugged and looked down at her food. Maybe she was just nervous for tomorrow. I wish she would just tell me. 

"Okay." I sighed and picked up my fork. It could be her dad too. With him out of prison. And probably after her. She probably isn't in the best mood. 

"Really, I'm fine." She smiled and kissed my cheek. 


"Okay, so I'm planning on you guys singing the song and then later at the end of the concert you'll sing it again, with Kendall." Simon explained.

"Sounds great." Louis said, "But what song?" 

"You and I." Simon answered. 

We practiced the song for about an hour until Simon thought we had it right. "Are you ready for the concert tomorrow?" Simon asked all of us and we nodded. 

I honestly thought we had it all down. That it was great. 

The limo was waiting for us outside. We all climbed in the back and headed back to the hotel. 

"How was your day!!??" Dani screamed when we walked in the main room. She ran up and hugged Kendall. 

"Fine." She smiled and laughed. 

"So, who's going where? We haven't really claimed any rooms yet. 4 to a room." Niall explained. 

In the end Kendall, Ashton, Zander and I were in a room together. Zayn, Liam, Louis and Eleanor were together. Calum, Luke and Michael. Chloe, Dani and Niall. 

We all went to bed pretty early. Seeing as though we had a big day ahead of us. I was excited to see all the fans again. This tour is going to be great. I can just tell. Kendall fell asleep right away. My arms wrapped around her. Tomorrow couldn't come quick enough. 


I know I know. It's a short chapter. Sorreh :P 

Vote and comment. Whatever it is you do. Bye Bye 


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