(Chapter 20) Drunk People Problems

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(Day 5 of 30)

Susan still wasn't talking to any of us but Zayn seemed to not care anymore. I felt bad, mostly because she was mad at me for something I didn't do. "Zayn?" I said quietly and he turned to look at me.

"What's up Kendall?" He smiled as if that whole thing a few days ago didn't happen. If he wanted to forget about it I didn't blame him.

"I'm sorry." I shrugged.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm fine. Susan's gone, yes but eventually I'll find someone who doesn't say stuff like that." He said.

"I still feel bad. If it wasn't for me she wouldn't have gotten mad. I don't even know what I did but she was still mad at me." I explained and he sighed.

"If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have met her. And obviously, if you don't know what you did and she didn't care enough to explain it's all the more reason to forget her." He laughed with a shrug.

"But still." I sighed and he interrupted me.

"No Kendall. It's done with." He said still with a calm voice. "Please, stop finding a way to blame yourself."

I nodded and left the room. I walked down the hallway towards the stairs I looked at the picture of MIchael Mitch and I. It was taken on my birthday 3 years ago. The day he died. We were going somewhere for my surprise that Mitch set up.

I felt arms wrap around my waist. "How are you doing?" Liam asked.

"I'm fine." I simply said.

"Well, most of us are going out for a bit. You're welcome to join us if you want." He questioned and I shrugged.

"I think I'll just stay home tonight."

"Zayn and Harry are staying here too. I'll stay if you want." He offered.

"No, you go. I'm probably going to sleep anyways." I shrugged.

"Okay, have fun." He kissed the top of my head and walked downstairs.


Zayn and Harry were upstairs in their rooms probably watching TV or something, Paul was sleeping in the den and my mom wasn't home. I was sitting in the living room still watching movies and I noticed it was almost 1 AM.

The door opened and a lonely person walked in. "Eleanor?" Louis said and I could tell he was drunk.

"Louis, Eleanor isn't here. She went out with you guys." I said to him and he walked closer to me.

He sat next to me and put his arm around me. "Louis! Get off!" I said and pushed him away. I stood up and he followed me.

"What's wrong babe?" He slurred and walked closer.

"I'm not your babe." I explained.

He kept getting closer and I kept backing away. "Why don't you love me Eleanor?" He started yelling.

I was backed against the wall and I didn't have anywhere to go. He kept getting closer and I didn't know what to do. He started kissing me and I tried to push him off. "Louis! Stop! I'm not Eleanor!" I screamed. "Guys! Help me!" I screamed because I couldn't get him away. "Harry!"

Someone turned on the light and ran towards us. "Louis! What are you doing?" Harry yelled and tried pulling him off me. Louis turned around and punched Harry square in the jaw and I tried to run to get Paul.

Louis grabbed my arm and pulled me back towards him. "Paul!" I screamed and I heard foot steps. "Louis! Stop! Let go!"

Paul ran into the living room and pulled Louis off of me. I quickly backed away until I was by the couch. Zayn was quickly walking down the stairs looking really tired. "What are you guys doing?" He asked while rubbing his eyes.

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