(Chapter 5) Best Day Ever!!!

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Kendal's POV

"I litterally can't believe he's taking us to a One Direction concert!" I yelled to Susan as she was walking out of the bedroom yawning. I looked at my phone and saw that I had a missed call. It was from a unknown number so I didn't bother to call it back, I also had a text that was from Gavin.

"Hey I decided to pick you guys up earlier so we could stop and get something to eat before the concert so be ready by 3:30 ok?" Well I better hurry up and get ready it was already 11 and both of us had to clean up. I texted back "Ok, see you soon! :)" I kept thinking about the kiss last night, did he mean to kiss me or was it just a spur of the moment kinda thing? Well whatever the case I'm glad it happened I really like Gavin and I'm happy he's taking us to my idols concert.

"I'm really excited! What time is he picking us up again?" Susan said while waking up a bit.

"He's coming at 3:30 now." I said while making peanut butter toast.

"Ok. I'll take a shower first and use the half bathroom to do my make-up and such, seeing as though you don't use those things. And I don't understand how you could eat that stuff." Susan said while looking at my toast with discust.

"Don't judge! It's food." I said back while laughing "And get your shower done cause you take forever." I laughed while taking a bite of toast.

She laughed and walked to the bathroom.

I sat on the couch and turned on my music. I sat there listening to music for like 30 minutes. I heard the bathroom door open and Susan called "Kendall you can use the bathroom now!" I jumped off the couch and walked up the stairs. I shut the bathroom door and hopped in the shower. I washed my hair and body and got out of the shower in about 15 minutes. I got changed into a purple One Direction shirt and blue jeans. I also had on my gray Neo Adidas shoes on. I brushed through my hair and brushed my teeth. Two times just to make sure. I need help..... I got out of the bathroom and walked down to the half bathroom that Susan was in. I saw that she was straightening her hair and was wearing her I love Zayn Malik shirt I got her a while back. She was wearing her favorite blue jeans and bow diamond earings, she had black flats on. She also had on her infinity necklace. She was a little fancier than I was.

We sat around the house until about 3 and then I called Gavin.

Gavin: Hey What's up

Me: Nothing just waiting for you. Are you on your way?

Gavin: Yeah I'm about to pull into your driveway.

Me: Ok just come in the house.

Gavin: Ok see you in a bit.

Gavin's POV

I left the house in a black shirt and blue jeans. I didn't feel the need to dress up seeing that my enemy from high school would be there. I don't know why I invited Kendall to come because ever since that fight me and Liam had, he had always been trying to steal the girls I liked. I couldn't let him take Kendall too. I wouldn't, I love Kendall he can't take her from me.

I got a call from Kendall right before I turned onto her street.

Me: Hey what's up?

Kendall: Nothing just waiting for you. Are you on your way?

Me: Yeah I'm about to pull into your driveway.

Kendall: Ok just come in the house.

Me: Ok see you in a bit.

I hung up the phone and pulled into her driveway. I got out of the car and walked into the house. I heard Susan running down the stairs. "Romeo! Oh thank you again for takign us to the concert with you!" She yelled while jumping into my arms as I caught her. I started laughing and said "No problem Susan." I set her down and walked into the kitchen. "Do you have any food in this place." I laughed while opening the fridge.

"Well Kendall over here likes to eat peanut butter toast if you want some of that." Susan said while looking at Kendall and they all laughed.

"I thought we were going out to eat though?" Kendall asked.

"I changed my mind." I said while shrugging.

They both laughed "Well I'm not hungry anyways." Susan said while fixing her shirt.

"So your favorite is Zayn?" I asked her.

She looked up at me "Yes, he is sexy and I will marry him." She said very seriously and then laughed. "Just kidding I'm probably never even going to be in a 5 foot radius with him." She started laughing harder.

I looked at Kendall "So who's your favorite?" Please don't say Liam, don't say Liam.

"I like Liam." She started smiling. Damn. I laughed "Why do you like him? I mean not being rude to him or anything but why?"

"Cause he's sweet and funny and sensitive and he's hot." She started laughing.

I thought in my head no he isn't. He's none of those things. "Why do you say that?" Kendall said sounding hurt. Did I say that out loud? Well This sucks.


Hey guys hope you liked it! I was excited when I updated and got to 22 reads! I know its only like 22 but I wasn't even expecting 10. So thanks for all the reads. If you guys could vote to that would be cool.

Sorry this chapter wasn't very long but it had to end at a certain spot. So here it is hope you like it.

I like turtles! Sorry random. But you should like the story I mean if you want. NO you have to! I'm just kidding you don't have to but, It would be cool. So keep it in mind. :) :) :) :). I want to have at least 30 reads before I update. But I will update anyways I would just like that amount. But see you guys next time, well I won't actually see you but you get what I mean.

~Peace out, Ashley.

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