Chapter 49

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Harry's POV

"Ashton and I are dating." Luke said and everyone in the house went silent. It was never this quite. Even when we're sleeping there's some kind of noise, but this. This was way quieter then that. "Uh, yeah." He added and I heard Calum chuckle.

"Thanks for making us all shut up. But you don't have to make jokes about that." Calum laughed and put his hand on Luke's shoulder. Kendall started twisting her hair with her fingers. Which meant that they definitely weren't lying.

"Why do you think I'm lying?" Luke questioned and I put my arm around Kendall's shoulder. She looked nervous. Maybe something happened to her and they were drawing the attention away. 

"Because, you guys would've told us if you liked dudes." Michael shrugged and ran his fingers through his hair. Kendall looked down at her phone. 

"No, there's no family emergency?" Is what the text read. From Dylan, Chloe did mention something about her brother his name was the only thing I knew. Kendall looked up and sighed. 

"We can deal with that later. What's the real reason Chloe left, because Dylan says there's no emergency. I know you know Dani, you might as well tell me. Oh wait, she's calling me. I'll just ask her." She said and slid her finger across the screen of her phone. Then put the phone by her ear. "Hey Chloe." 

"Why'd you leave?" 

"What are you talking about?" 


"Chloe, this is a stupid joke." 

"It isn't a joke!" I heard Chloe scream through the phone and Kendall shut her eyes in surprise. Kendall looked up and me and removed my arm from her waist. Her green eyes weren't happy anymore, they were sad. A depressing kind of sad. And with that I knew what Chloe told her. I could see Dani looking at me in the corner of my eye. She was rubbing her hand over her face, supposing she knew what Chloe told Kendall too. 

"Chloe." Kendall sighed and Dani rushed across the room. She grabbed the phone out of Kendall's hand and hung up the phone. 

"I don't know what she told you but it wasn't Harry's fault!" Dani screamed and looked at the phone. "Clayton? Why'd you call him?" She asked and Kendall took her phone back. 

"I feel like it's not your business." Kendall said and was about to call Chloe back when Dani took the phone and threw it across the room. Then she looked around to see if she hit anyone. "You probably just broke my phone." Kendall added and her voice cracked. 

"Then I'll buy you a new one. But, we're going to have a good day! And if Chloe wanted to kiss Harry and ruin it then that's her fault! We won't talk to her!" Dani yelled and then covered her mouth, turning to Niall. He looked like his heart just broke into a million pieces. "Niall." 

"You lied to me? You could've just said what she did. Save yourself some time." Niall said and stormed out of the room. 

"See? Chloe wouldn't do something like that! She liked Niall." Kendall sighed. 

"And I like you." I said. 

"Ha. That's what Liam said too." Kendall cried and ran out of the room. Ashton, of course followed after her like a lost puppy. 

"Wait, what?" Dani said in a shocked tone. "What happened with you and Kendall?" She asked. 

"Obviously the same thing that happened with her and Harry." He shrugged. "Except I said stupid things that i didn't mean." 

Kendall's POV 

"Harry and I were having a food fight with flour, then he got real close to me and he kissed me. I tried to push him away but I couldn't. he was flirting with me the whole time." What she said was still running through my head. This isn't happening again. I ran out of the room, planning on going to my room, but I didn't go there. I ran into Niall's room. Tears streaming down my face. I opened the door and slammed it shut. Hopefully Ashton didn't see me come in here. I saw Niall, right as he threw his phone across the room. His face was fulled with rage, but mostly hurt. He was hurt just like I was. When he saw me he opened his arms for a hug and I couldn't help myself. I ran up to him and he wrapped his arms around me in a bear hug. I sobbed into his shirt and he sobbed into my shoulder, mostly my hair but I didn't care. Niall stopped crying before me. After a while we just sat on the bed and I rested my head on his shoulder. He was my best friend out of the 5 One Direction guys. And right now we didn't have anyone else that related to this situation.  

"What do you think actually happened?" He asked after a few minutes of silence. 

"In all honesty. I don't want to believe Harry did it. But, I don't want to believe Chloe did it. In some ways I think they both wanted it, then again, what if it was just a spur of the moment thing? Not that it makes it right. Or good. I just don't know." I shrugged. Ashton still hasn't found me. Which was great. If he even came after me. 

"I think it was Chloe. As horrible as it sounds to say it, it sounds like her. She knew I liked her and she kept leading me on, then she got that guys number from the restaurant. She's probably all over him right now." He shrugged. I knew Chloe got with a few guys. But, it wasn't as bad as Niall says. "Maybe I'm just saying this cause I'm mad. She's your friend, I'm sorry. Why'd you come here? I mean I'm glad you did. I'd rather you be here, then be hurting yourself. But, me not Perrie?" He questioned. 

"Well, my phone's broken. And even if it was working. I probably still would've come here. Besides Ashton, you're my best friend." I shrugged and laid back on the bed. I wiped a final tear - or hopefully final tear- from my face. 

"I'm your best friend? I would've thought Zayn." He laughed. 

"Well, just because he's dating my girl best friend, doesn't mean he's my guy best friend." I explained with a smile. It felt nice to smile. 

"It's all clear to me now." He chucked and laid down too. 

"Can we watch a movie?" I questioned. 

"Yeah, wanna pick one or should I?" He asked. 

"You can." I shrugged and he stood up. 

"Won't Harry be mad you're in here?" He questioned. "Oh, wait. Never mind. Sorry, stupid question." 

"It wasn't stupid. And yeah, maybe he will be. But, I doubt it. He knows that we're just friends." I explained and flipped onto my stomach so I could clearly see the TV. 

"Yeah. Just friends." He smiled, but something was off about it. 

"You okay?" I questioned and tilted my head. 

"I'm fine." He assured me and put a disk in the DVD player. He stood back up and walked towards the bed. Flopping down next to me. "If you fall asleep and Harry comes in what should I do?" He questioned. 

"Just let him take me back to the room." I sighed and rested my head in my hands. 

Dani's POV 

"Come on Dani. Let's go." Eleanor sighed and pulled my hand. 

"Where are we going?" I questioned. 

"Away from the drama." She explained. 

"But, Kendall's one of my best friends. I can't leave her here." I said. 

"If Harry didn't do what Chloe said then they will work it out." She shrugged. 

"I feel like the only successful relationships here are you and Louis, and Perrie and Zayn. Everyone else is just - I don't know." I sighed. 



Sorry, bored. Here it is. Peace. 


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