(Chapter 41)

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We sat there in silence for a few minutes. Until Chloe ran into the room and screamed, "Pancake time!" Causing me to laugh and brush at my nose. "Why does it feel like someone just died?" She asked in a joking tone. I never told Chloe about my dad. She probably found out enough the other day when he practically killed my brother. But, I was going to spare her the details. Chloe always could make me laughed though.

"No one died! Let's go get pancakes!" I squealed and she started squealing too. We all met in the main room and Paul gave us things to cover our faces. 

Harry's POV 

"Har, can I talk to you for a second?" I heard Ashton ask from behind me. We trailed slightly behind the rest of the group. Just enough so no one would hear us. "Do you ever wonder how she does that?" He questioned. 

"How she does what?" I asked back. I honestly didn't know what he was talking about. 

"She can just act like nothing's wrong. She could be bawling her eyes out behind closed doors and we wouldn't know." He shrugged. 

"When she's upset you know. I mean I can tell. She was upset last night. She was so happy this morning. And I could tell she wasn't faking. The smile I fell in love with was back. The person I fell in love with is starting to be happy again." I sighed and he smiled. Then I realized what I said.

"You love her." He smiled. "I knew it!" He screamed the last part and everyone turned around. "Keep doing what you're doing. Nothing to see here." He shooed them and Kendall smirked at him. "That means you too Mrs. Styles!" He yelled and she turned around with a blush on her cheeks. 

"We aren't married!" She yelled back. 

"Not yet anyways." I whispered. 

"He said not yet anyways!" Ashton yelled repeating my statement. I noticed Kendall blush even more and she turned around not saying anything. 

 "Why did you say that to her?" I hissed and he laughed. 

"Because she likes you the same way you like her." He explained and I scoffed. 

"Nice try." I know it's just as a friend. 

"You forget that she tells me everything. Even about you." Ashton said. 

"And what does she say about me?" I asked with a smirk. 

"She loves you Harry." He said simply. I almost didn't believe him. "Say something! I mean I know you feel the same!" He said and gave me a weird look. 

"What am I supposed to say?" I shrugged. 

"That you'll tell her again. Make it certain that she knows you love her. And make sure she knows it's not the way I love her. I love her like a sister. She has to know you don't love her like a sister. Tell her you love her, in the way where you want to be together forever." He explained. 


"Are you ready to order?" The waitor came over and asked us 6 that were sitting at this table. Ashton, Kendall, Niall, Chloe, Zander, and I all ordered. I noticed that he was staring at Kendall. And I knew what he was thinking. Mainly because I had the same look when I first saw Kendall. Her eyes made it easy for someone to get lost in. The waitor walked away with our orders and Chloe looked at Kendall. 

"Kendall, he was looking at you." Chloe nudged her and she gave a small smile. 

"I'm not interested in him. He was cute an all, but yeah." She shrugged and looked up. 

"That's because you're interested in him." Chloe explained and pointed at me. "And he's totally going to ask for your number when he gets back." 

Kendall turned to look at me, "If he does do something." She said and I nodded. 

We talked for about 15 minutes until our food was at the table. He gave another look at Kendall and looked like he was going to say something. "So, my friend back there said that I need to take charge with girls. So can I like, um. Can I have your phone number?" he questioned nervously. I felt bad for him. I was once in his spot. Kendall smiled at the guy. 

"Listen, I will gladly give you my number. But, I'm kind of seeing someone right now." She shrugged and I sighed to myself, putting my arm around the back of the booth. She leaned forward and grabbed a napkin. "We can definitely be friends. My name is Kendall by the way." She smiled and wrote her number with his pen.

"Oh, okay. I'm Troy." He smiled back and took the napkin. "Text you later Kendall." 

"Kendall! He was so cute!" Chloe said and gave Kendall a look. "Why did you turn him down?" 

"Because I am seeing someone. And he's sitting right next to me! If you like him so much why don't you ask him for his number?" She questioned back and Niall fidgeted in his seat.

"Fine! I will." Chloe huffed and sat up, walking over to Troy. Once Chloe left Kendall put a hand over her mouth. 

"Niall, oh my God. I'm so sorry." She sighed and he leaned back. 

"Why? I'm not dating her. She can talk to whoever she wants." He shrugged. 

"But you like her mate." I said and he looked up at me. 

"Says you, I heard you talking to Ashton. You're in love with her and you won't tell her. Don't talk to me about girls when even you don't have the balls to talk to Kendall!" He said and I felt the blood rush to my cheeks. Kendall looked over to me and back to Niall. Eventually her eyes were on Ashton and then again back on me. 

"He has a point mate." Louis whispered to me from the table behind us. Kendall still didn't say anything. She was just looking at her food. Debating whether or not to pour syrup on her pancakes. 

"Got it!" Chloe squealed and sat down next to Niall again. 

"Isn't that just the bee's knees?" Niall said sarcastically and she looked at him. 

"What's your problem?" She questioned with an attitude. 

"Because, I'm the one who likes you! Not him!" He said in a loud tone and we all got quiet. "I have to get some air." He sighed and stood up. 

"Great." Chloe sighed and leaned back in her spot. 

"You let your mouth talk before you listened to your heart." Dani shrugged from the other table. "You have to listen to yourself sometimes." 

"She did it to make him jealous." Kendall said, like she finally realized something. "That's why you did it, isn't it?" She questioned. 

"Yeah? I guess he likes me." She shrugged. "Or, he did. Probably not anymore." 

"He still likes you Chloe. Trust me." Zayn smiled from the other table as the door opened. 

"Guess who's back!" I heard a familiar voice say. 

"Perrie!" Kendall smiled and jumped up to hug her friend. When Zayn saw her his eyes lit up and he ran to hug her. 

"How did your audition go?" Zayn asked. 

"We made it!" She squealed and jumped up and down. "Little Mix is on X Factor!" 

"And Little Mix is going to win X Factor." Kendall smiled and hugged her again. 


Yeah, this chapter's a little shorter. But it's just because I updated yesterday. 

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