(Chapter 35)

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Zander's POV 

"T-that's my dad." Kendall stuttered and I could tell that her knees were weak. She looked terrified. It was like she shifted into a whole new person. Harry was staring at her just as I was and Perrie tried to snap her out of her trance. 

"Don't let him know he has power over you Kendall. Please, snap out of it." Perrie pleaded but it was no use. Kendall was terrified. She wouldn't move. I was surprised that she hadn't fallen to the ground in her state of shock. But, before I knew it my brain was all focused on my supposed to be father. 

He looked just as Kendall described him. His eyes were baggy and he looked as if he would kill anything. Thank God Kendall got out of that house before he did. "Kendall? Please say something before he comes down here." Perrie was still trying to get Kendall to do something. Without thinking through my options I started walking towards my father. 

"Why are you here? She doesn't want to see you more or less be in the same state as you." I hissed and he laughed. It was disgusting. "You think this is funny? She is scarred for life because of what you have done to her! You seriously want to laugh?"

"I'm sorry, I haven't gotten your name. And I don't like to judge people before I at least know their name. I guess this one time will be fine. I don't listen to young boys like yourself, you cannot tell me when I can see my daughter and when I can't. You're just some washed up boy who knows nothing about this family." He said and tried to walk past me. 

"My name is Zander." I answered and blocked his path. He looked at me with a weird expression. Maybe he knew I was his son. But, it didn't matter. I don't want anything to do with him. All he did was make my sister's life hell and I won't ever let that happen again. 

"Zander? Wow, my son has turned out to be a fine man. If I would've known you were defending your family I would've handled that a lot differently. But, I don't see why your mother picked the name Zander. It's horrible, really. You should really consider changing it." He laughed again. 

"Don't tell me what I should and shouldn't do. Especially that you aren't my father. And you never will be. You are a sadistic, vile, vindictive, malicious man. Actually scratch that. You aren't a man. You aren't even close to a man. Beating women for fun! What kind of game is that?" I yelled and I'm fairly certain that everyone could hear me. I started to turn around to walk towards Kendall when he grabbed my arm. "Let me go." 

"You do not talk to me like that. I could break you like a twig before you could even try to call for help. I am your father whether you like it or not. Now treat me with respect or you will end up dead." He threatened. 

"You think you can scare me? Acting all tough when I'm not afraid of you. People like you disgust me. Kendall wants nothing to do with you. Neither do I. Now leave or I will be calling the cops." I demanded and he laughed his stupid and weird laugh again. 

"Like I said kid: You need to treat your father with respect. And I won't leave without my daughter." He explained and this time it was my turn to laugh. What is it with this dude? He was so stupid. Nothing is getting through his thick skull. 

"I am not your son! How many times do I need to tell you that before you get it through your thick skull? Kendall isn't going anywhere with you I would rather die than see her go with you for even a second." I growled and heard footsteps behind us. 

"Is there a problem here?" Harry asked. He obviously knew the answer, but he probably wanted to get this sick man away from Kendall just as much as I did. 

"No. No problem. I'm Parker Owens, Kendall's father. And you are?" He introduced himself and Harry played along. Wow, he was a good actor. 

"Harry Styles, Kendall's boyfriend. I've never really heard much about you." Harry said and my dad laughed. 

"Kendall doesn't like to brag about me I guess. I own one of the largest chain companies in America. Parker Unlimited. If you've ever heard of it?" He lied through his teeth. At least he could've come up with a better name. "And it's nice to finally meet one of Kendall's boyfriends. You're a strapping young lad to say the least." 

"Thank you sir. And I'm sure that isn't the only reason Kendall didn't mention your name." Harry said in a sraight tone. And now the claws come out. 

"Why else wouldn't she talk about me?" Parker asked seeming appalled. Finally maybe someone could get it through his head that he wasn't a good person. But probably not. 

"Do you honestly think I wouldn't ask her about the bruises on her legs? Or why she has scars everywhere? I know they're your fault. Honestly you're not a man. I can't believe that Kendall stayed in your house for that long." Harry hissed. 

"Now, let's not cause a scene here son. You ought to choose your next words carefully." Parker threatened him. 

"We don't have to start a scene. Just leave. Nothing bad will happen then and you can go home and continue your life. Without Kendall or Zander in it." Harry said and Parker continued laughing. He shook his head and with a swift movement his fist connected with Harry's jaw. I don't think Harry saw it coming because instead of just stumbling backwards a bit. He fell to the ground. 

"Now son. You caused a scene." Parker sighed and tried to walk towards Kendall again. I stood in front of him and he laughed. "What are you going to do boy?" With that question I did the same thing he did to Harry. Except this time he didn't go down. He stayed standing and started laughing. What is with this guy and laughing? I looked behind me for a second to look at Harry who was just standing up again and back at Kendall who was still staring off into space. But looking more frightened because Harry was on the ground. I saw Liam, Louis and Stefan running towards me when I felt something pinch on my back. 

"Zander!" Kendall shreiked and tried to run after me but Zayn, Niall and the rest of the girls held her back. I looked down at Harry again and he was as white as a ghost. The guys running towards us stopped in a horrified way. I looked down at my stomach to see blood seeping out and soaking my shirt. I felt my knees get weaker and weaker as I fell to the ground. 

"Zander! Hey, stay with me. We're going to get you help. Paul!" Harry shouted, kneeling over me and I put my finger to his lips. 

"Keep her away from him." I whispered as everything was starting to go black. As if I was going to fall asleep. 

Liam's POV 

Zander turned around looking at Harry who was seeming to just get himself stable again. The next place he looked was at Kendall who hadn't said anything since she saw the man who abused her as a child. Zander looked as if something hit him from behind. I saw a dark red color fill his shirt in a matter of seconds and stopped running out of shock. Harry looked as if he was going to fall back down again. "Zander!" Kendall screamed in agony and tried to run towards him. Niall was the one to stand in front of her. Cupping her face in his hands to try to calm her down. 

He fell to the ground almost on top of Harry and Harry knelt down beside him. "Zander! Hey, stay with me. We're going to get you help. Paul!" He shouted. I saw Zander's lips move but couldn't hear what he was saying. Harry tried to shake him but Zander seemed lifeless. Kendall's dad started walking our way again. Kicking Harry in the side to walk past him. With that Paul was walking out of the front door. He saw Harry struggling to get off the ground and Zander laying there. I heard sirens in the distance and Kendall's dad started walking faster in our direction. 

"Kendall. Come with me. Now." He demanded and she shook her head. "No? This isn't up for negotiation you are coming with me." 

"No she isn't. You just stabbed her brother and beat her boyfriend. I think she'll pass." I answered and he looked at me. 

"I don't think you want to tell a man with a knife what he can and can't do." He hissed and I could hear Kendall crying. 

"Well I just did. What are you planning on doing about it?" I questioned. 


So I'm really trying to get into this more and stuff. So yeah.

Vote and comment and kiss a giraffe. Actually don't because giraffes are mine. :P Anyways. 

Have a great day and stuff. 


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