(Chapter 33)

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Harry's POV 

I woke up with my arms around Kendall again. It was probably one of the best feelings ever. "Harry." Someone whispered from behind me. I turned my head to see Niall. "We have some recording to do in like an hour. You need to get ready." He added and walked out the door. 

"Kendall." I whispered. 

"Hmm?" She seemed confused. 

"I have to go record." I said and she smiled. 

"Okay, go make some awesome new music for me to listen to." She laughed and stole the blankets. 

"Rude." I joked and she turned to face me. 

"Yeah, I'm sorry. How could I ever make it up to you?" She said sarcastically. 

"Well, I have a few ideas in mind." I smiled and kissed her. 

"Harry! Hurry up and get in the bloody shower! We don't have-. Nevermind." Louis smirked from the door. 

"I'll come back in before I leave." I assured her and grabbed some clothes out of the dresser. I started walking down the hall and almost ran straight into Liam. 

"Sorry mate." I shrugged and he stopped me. 

"Listen, I want you to be happy. I also want Kendall happy. I'm glad you guys are happy together. I want these stupid fights to end. I'm sorry for all the stuff I started. We good?" He sighed and I smiled. 

"We're good." I said and gave him a hug. "I'm glad you're back mate." 

"Glad to be back. Now go get proper for that girl of yours." He laughed.  

"What are we recording today?" I questioned halfway down the hall. 

"Fireproof." He answered and I opened the bathroom door. I then stuck my head out the door, "Maybe when Kendall wakes up you should tell her what you told me. She needs you as a friend." I added and he nodded. 

Perrie's POV 

"Morning!" I squealed while skipping into the kitchen. 

"Well good morning." Zayn smiled and kissed my cheek. 

"You seem very happy this morning." Eleanor laughed. 

"I don't know why. I'm just happy." I giggled and pulled Eleanor out of her chair. We started dancing around the kitchen/dining room area until Kendall walked downstairs. 

She walked straight to Niall and held her hand out as if he was going to give her something. "What?"  He questioned. 

"Give them back." She demanded. 

"Give what back?" 

"You came into the room this morning to wake Harry up and you took the Oreos I had on my dresser." She said and we all laughed. Besides Niall. 

"I did no such thing." He defended. 

"Niall, now." She held her hand out again. 

"She's going to cry Niall. You better give them back." I joked. 

"Fine." He sighed and started walking upstairs. 

A few minutes later Niall slowly walked back downstairs and handed Kendall the box of Oreos. "Why is it empty?" Kendall questioned. 

"Umm, there were some technical difficulties?" He said hesitantly. 

"You ate my Oreos? You're buying me more." She demanded and sat down. 

"Well, someone's tired this morning." I smiled at her. 

"Due to the fact that Travis died yesterday, I think I'm doing better then normal." She shrugged. 

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