(Chapter 27) Surprise

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We left the parking lot of the court house and quickly headed to a restaurant for Travis to eat. "Where do you wanna go?" I asked him while looking to him in the back seat.

"Subway?" He questioned and I looked at Liam. 

"We're going to Subway for lunch Liam." I smiled. 

"Sounds good." He stated and drove towards Subway. 

After we got food for Travis we went back to the house. "Guys? We're home!" I yelled and saw everyone in the living room. 

"Perrie and Stefan are coming over later." Zayn explained and I nodded. "Hey Travis. What are you doing here?" He added. 

"Um, long story. Kendall likes stories so she can explain." He said nervously and ran upstairs. 

I sighed and everyone looked confused. I explained to all of them about Travis' situation and they all looked upset. 

"Well, now he has a new family." Harry smiled and everyone nodded in agreement. "Kendall, you're part of this family. And Travis is important to you, so now he's part of our family. I'm like an uncle now." 

"And that's why I love you guys." I said and they all hugged me. 

(Day 23 of 30)

Everyone was downstairs in the living room while Liam and I were talking upstairs. 

"I'm glad they aren't mad." I shrugged. 

"Why would they be mad?" He asked. 

"I don't know. Because I'm already a burden. Now Travis, Stefan, and Perrie are coming." I sighed. 

"You aren't a burden Kendall. They all love you. And I love you way more than any of them. None of us mind that you want some friends to come along. I mean you're going to be with 5 guys for a year. Well now 7 but still." He laughed but then got serious. "I know where this is coming from. But, your dad obviously didn't see all the great things you can do. He missed out on a great daughter." 

"Kendall!" Travis said excitedly while running up the stairs to me. "Look what uncle Harry gave me!" He laughed and showed me a brand new Xbox One. 

"Harry got this for you?" I asked in shock and he nodded. "Did you thank him?" 

"Most definitely. He is the best." He still had a huge smile on his face. 

"Well, I suppose you want to play with your new toy." I laughed and he nodded. 

"Go on then." I smiled and he ran into the bedroom to set it up. We walked downstairs to see everyone laughing in the living room. 

"Harry, can I talk to you for a second?" I asked and he stood up. 

"What's up?" He smiled as we walked into the kitchen. 

"I appreciate what you're doing for Travis, but an Xbox One?" I laughed. 

"He's a good kid he deserves it." He shrugged and got some orange juice out of the fridge. 

"How much did you pay for that?" I asked. 

"About 400." He stated. 

"Harry!" I playfully smacked him on the arm. 

"What? I already told you my reasoning. And what else is he supposed to do while we're gone for a whole year? Hang out with us losers?" He joked. 

"I see your point but, still." I said. 

"No but stills. He deserved it." He stated and walked out of the room. 

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