Chapter 46

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Harry's POV 

"It's not really that important. Let's just have a good day." Kendall smiled and sat back down my the counter. "What time are we going Ashton?" She questioned. 

"About an hour. You better wear your new shirt." He laughed obviously not wanting to upset Kendall. "And it's an order." He added and tapped her nose, causing her to smiled and crinkle her nose. 

"Yes sir." She said in a serious tone and then hit his hand away from her face. "Wouldn't want people to question your shirt." She teased and took another bite out of her muffin. Ashton took it from her and took a huge bite out of it. "Ashton!" She yelled and tried to keep her laugh in. "How dare you?" She questioned. 

"You know I love you Kennybear." He smiled. 

"There's crumbs in your teeth." Kendall pointed out and he opened his mouth showing the chewed up bits of muffin and Kendall's mouth made a weird shape. 

"Ew! Put that away!" She laughed and closed Ashton's mouth. "That's disgusting. Why are you my best friend again?" She questioned. 

"Because I'm awesome and I have great advise." He answered and she nodded her head. "Ashton: 1, Kendall: 0" He joked and Kendall shoved the rest of her muffin into his mouth. "Rude." Ashton mumbled with food still in his mouth. 

"It's not nice to talk with your mouth full." Kendall stuck her tongue out at him and he stuck his tongue out back. 

"Kendall!" Dani sing-songed and walked over to her with a small box. "Here's my gift to you." She smiled and handed her the box. Kendall pulled the top off and removed the paper. "I know you aren't a bracelet person but I saw it and your name was written all over it." Dani added and Kendall pulled a small charm bracelet out of the box. The first charm I saw had 1D, the next was 5SoS, then a giraffe, book, a music note, and last a picture of her and I. "I knew you guys would end up together eventually, and Chloe can't exactly keep her mouth shut." Dani laughed. 

"Thank you, Dani. I love it." Kendall smiled and hugged her. 

"I would give you my present now, but I don't want you to get all of them at once. So I'll give Zander his present." Chloe said and jumped up. "Here you go. It's from Dani and I." She added and gave him and box that was wrapped. 

"Thanks, I mean I didn't expect anything from any of you. So this means a lot." He smiled and opened the box. "You're kidding right?" He said and pulled out a pair of orange and black tie dyed beats. "Wow." He smiled. "Thanks, this is awesome." He added and hugged both of them.

Kendall's POV

"The guys and I got you something too." Harry said and handed him a medium sized box. He grabbed it from him and thanked him. He opened the box and his eyes lit up.

"No. Really?" He asked and pulled out a set of keys. They got my brother a car.

"Yep really. Let's go look at it." Harry smiled and stood up, pulling me with him. We walked through the lobby. Harry grabbed a shirt before we walked down here, but we still were all in our pajamas.

"Which one is it?" Zander asked and looked around.

"Why don't you find out?" he laughed in response and Zander hit a button on the keys. 

"Holy crap, you got me a Mustang!" He squealed like a little girl and jumped up and down. His car was actually amazing. It was black with a red stripe. 

"And for you miss." Harry smiled and handed me a set of keys. "Well, for us." He corrected and pointed to the Audi next to the car that Zander was hugging and gawking at. 

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