(Chapter 13) traitors

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Liam's POV

"Hey, if you still want to go and see my mum we have to go now." I said waking Kendall up from her 3 hour nap.

"Hmm?" She asked.

"Do you still want to go to my mums?" I said again.

"Mhmm." She mumbled.

"Are you going to walk to the car or do I have to carry you?" I asked her.

"Carry me." She groaned and I laughed.

I picked her up bridal style and took her to the car. I got into the drivers seat and pulled out of the driveway.


We got to my mum's house and walked up the driveway. I knocked on the door with Kendall's hand in mine.

"Liam!" My mum squealed when she saw me.

"Hi, mum." I said while hugging her.

She looked at Kendall and smiled. "And you must be Kendall?"

"Yes." Kendall smiled.

"It's so lovely to meet you." She said and hugged her.

"You too Mrs. Payne." Kendall smiled.

"Please, call me Karen." She said.

"Of course, Mrs-- Karen." Kendall said all most saying Mrs. Payne causing me to laugh.

We walked into the living room to see my dad watching TV. "Hey dad." I said standing next to Kendall by the door.

"He has returned!" He sighed standing up to hug me.

"So he has." I smiled.

"Is this the famous Kendall I've heard so much about." He said looking at Kendall.

"Yes, I am her. But, I don't quite think I'm famous." She smiled hugging him.

"Well Liam has a lot to say about you."

"Oh does he now?" She smirked at me.

"Oh yes, he talks about you every time we talk." He explained and she smiled. "I'm Geoff by the way."

"Nice to meet you." She said.

We sat down in the living room talking with my parents until 9. "Well, you guys have a long drive, you should head back." My mum suggested.

"Yeah. The guys are probably worried anyways." I said.

"I'm going to miss you so much." My mum said while hugging me.

"I'm going to miss you too mum." I smiled.

"Have fun son." My dad said hugging me.

"So nice to meet you darling." He said to Kendall.

"You too." She smiled.

"Love you guys." I said.

"Love you too Liam." They said in unison.


"That was fun." Kendall smiled when we got into the car.

"I knew they would like you." I said.

"I just wish the rest of the day was fun." She shrugged.

"I'm sure she'll come back." I assured her.

"Maybe." She sighed.

Susan's POV

"Blair, I know I over reacted. I don't know where you went but can you please call me back. I'm sorry." I said to the voicemail on Blair's phone.

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