Your love is a Drug.

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The music pumped loudly in the ears, and the crowd’s cheers were enough to make me go crazy. I hadn’t been in the music business very long, but the tour stories the boys have told me were enough to convince me that a live show was one of the greatest experiences in life.

I was waiting backstage at New Music Awards ceremony, waiting for my cue, I spotted the crowd from the corner of my eye it was a sea mixed with fans and stars. Secretly I was thankful that One Direction weren’t here to see my first Live Performance, if they were nobody would pay any attention to me.

“You’ve seen her on Television, and on the big screen as Sandy from Grease, please put your hands together for Jay” My introduction was simple, yet effective. I was nervous as hell but I didn’t care I was doing this for Lou, and I was doing this for Keeley-Rose.

“How’re y’all doing tonight?” I addressed the crowd as I ran onto the stage, I was dressed in leather tights, with some killer heels. A union jack snugly fit dress to top it all off, you could definately tell I lived with too Brits couldn’t you?

The music started to play, so i started to bob around to the beat, everyone was cheering my name I felt like I was on top of the world. I opened my mouth and started to sing to them.

“I like it, I want it, the way you make my body move, I think I'm addicted, I'm high off everything you do. I'm going to call you, baby. Don't you worry about a thing, you're all I need. I've become a slave to my habit, fiending for your love. Gotta have it now!” I sang to them, and they ate it all up, they were dancing just like i was as I came to the chorus, I sang it for Louis.

“You're all I need, your love's a drug can’t get enough, your love's a drug, and I can't sleep, can't get enough your love's a drug, your love's a drug, your love's a...” they were singing along with me, and I finally knew what it was like for the boys every time they sang on stage, I absolutely loved it.

When I finished the song they all started screaming my name, my name? Can you believe it? I blew them an air kiss and waved one last time before rushing back stage.

“You smashed it babe.” Lila squealed, handing me my jacket and purse. We would have stayed for the entire show and gotten wasted at the after party but we kind of had previous plans we couldn’t miss.

“The Car is waiting out the front.” She told me as she led the way outside, the cool air was a rude shock as it had been pretty stuffy inside that hotel, I found it difficult to keep up with Lila because she was wearing flat shoes and I still had my heels on.

“Wait up you monkey.” I called out to her as I giddily ran to catch up, nearly tripping myself over when I tried; we were both finding it really hard to run when we had the touch of the giggles.

“If you don’t hurry we’ll miss the plane.” She pointed out but I could see the smile she was trying to hide, I knew she wanted nothing more than to burst into a fit of giggles just like me.

“Come on you goose.” She ran back to pull me along with her, yanking my arm a little too hard if I’m completely honest, I didn’t have the guts to complain though. When Lila was serious she was scary!

When we arrived to the car she shoved me in first probably to make sure we weren’t any later than we already were.

“What’s the time?” I asked her.

“Oh my Goodness.” She gasped when she checked her phone. “You don’t want to know.” She started swearing in French, I don’t speak French but I knew she was cussing.

“Calm down Lila, We’re going to get there on time.” The airport was only a few minutes away from where we just were, but of course the crazy girl in the seat beside me was panicking.

When the driver pulled up outside L.A.X Lila opened the door before the car had even came to a complete stop.

“Lila” I told her off, but jumped out of the car after her. She ran, I had no choice but to follow her.

“Thank you so much.” I called to the driver before running inside in search of my crazy best friend.

I almost ran into a bunch of Japanese tourists who flashed their camera at me my guess was they liked my fancy outfit and probably weren’t used to seeing a crazy girl running around an airport wearing high heels.

I finally spotted her, she was standing near the terminal which was a relief I didn’t think I could run for much longer with these heels on. When I walked up beside her everyone started to clap.

“You finally made it.” Liam joked, pointing to his wrist. He thinks he is very funny but he’s not, I was only a few minutes late.

“Will you guys stop staring at me?” I huffed and crossed my arms; they all smiled at me despite the annoyance which was written all over my face.

“Where’s Tommo?” I asked Harry, he shrugged and wrapped his arms around Lila’s waist. A few things had changed since I lost my baby and that was one of them.

“He went to the bathroom.” Zayn answered for his friend; honestly sometimes I swear Zayn is the only sane one in this band.

“Hey babe.” Lou snuck up behind me, I turned around to see his adorable face, we looked like an odd pair, me still being in my awards clothes and he being in sweats and a beanie.

“There you are.” I smiled and kissed him on the nose.

“I was here the whole time.” He teased, pushing a stray hair of mine and tucking it behind my ear.

Our flight was announced; Lou grabbed hold of my hand as we all headed over to security.

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