Shut up and Kiss me.

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Right there in the middle of the street in Sydney, Harry Styles kissed me, where anyone in the entire world could have seen, he kissed me like he meant it. He kissed me for what felt like hours. I didn’t even mind at first until I started thinking about what was happening, started thinking about how dangerous this was, we didn’t even use tongues but it was still a very bad idea. I slowly broke away from him, he looked offended.

“Harry we can’t.” I started; he turned away and ran his fingers through his curly locks, groaning at the same time.

“Not here.” I gave in, quickly took hold of his hand and swiftly started our way back to the hotel.

“I know you followed me, on the plane.” He told me, as we walked hand in hand towards where we were staying.

“Oh. Yeah?” I was embarrassed; I can’t believe I actually followed him.

“My question is why?” he asked quietly, just before we entered the foyer.

“I don’t know Harry.” I answered him truthfully, we were no longer holding hands, but he hadn’t strayed too far away from me yet.

He pressed the elevator button and an empty elevator quickly surfaced in front of us. When the door was closed Harry pressed the button for the top floor, even though we were only staying on the 5th floor.

“So, why’d you follow me?” he asked me again, pulling me closer towards him, he was leaning against the railing on the side of the elevator carriage.

“I-I-.“ I started to say I don’t know, but his warm lips crashed against mine before I could get it out.

He moaned into my mouth, as our lips moved against each others. Somehow my hands made their way into his mess of curls, while his remained resting on my hips. I didn’t want to stop, my body just wanted to stay here like that forever. I don’t know what it was about him, whether I was confused or if I really had feelings for him. I didn’t want to find out so I let myself get lost in the moment.

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