Lou's toast.

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"Thank you all for coming." Lou toasted that night at dinner, Lila, Harry, Niall, Zayn, Liam, Tamy and I sat at the table all staring up at my beautiful fiancé, he had a mischievous grin planted on his face, as he carefully clinked his fork against a wine glass.

"We all know this little Australian vacation wouldn't have happened if it weren't for my beautiful woman, now all over you look at her, and weep cos she's mine bitches." He gave them all the finger, he was really drunk, I could feel heat rising to my cheeks, sure he'd complemented me but it was so embarrassing the way he did it! Everybody was laughing at him, they all thought it was funny, in a way it was, I mean come on its Louis Tomlinson....Drunk. That's funny stuff right there.

"To Jay." A sober Liam toasted, we all clinked our glasses together, and Harry and Louis tried competing over how much they could scull at once. Let's just say their clothes reeked of alcohol by the time we clumsily climbed into bed later that night.

Right in the middle of Zayn telling Niall how pretty he was, and Louis trying to get the waitress to put cake in his drink, Lila and I slipped out to the bathroom.

"I can't wait till you get hitched." She told me, re applying her mascara.

"That's romantic" I snorted, adjusting my lip stick.

"You know what I mean, but really everything is changing so quickly. I'm so proud of us" she squealed, jumping up and down.

"Everything isn't changing; the only thing that will be different is my last name." I joked, nudging her tiny arm.

"Jay, I didn't want to say anything yet, but I just can't hold it in. Promise me you won't say anything or get angry at me for taking your spot light." She looked at me, I could practically smell the excitement in her breath.

"Ok Lil, spill the big secret." I said excitedly, holding both her hands, I was so anxious to hear her big news, I thought maybe she'd gotten a new movie role, or something.

"I think I'm pregnant." She finally got out.

We both started screaming.

"Oh my goodness!" I was actually happy for her, even though all that weirdness with Harry happened, I was still extremely happy about this, and I knew Harry would be too.

"Harry is going to be so happy." I jumped up and down.

"Is he?" she asked, not looking too pleased.

"Well it is his isn't it?" I asked, calming down.

"It could be, but you remember when we had that break when he was on tour, and we were seeing other people?" she bit her lower lip deep in thought.

"Oh. Lila." I groaned, what was I going to do with her?

We both looked at each other, and couldn't keep a straight face, and of course it wasn't long before we were both jumping excitedly up and down again.

Lila, with a baby? I'd pay to see that.

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