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As soon as we stepped off the plane in the Italian airport I knew the week ahead was going to be amazing. We had set aside some rules -No electronic connections to the outside world, and no fan interaction. We love our fans, but this was a week to just be about us. It was going to be amazing.

"You ready for a week without distractions?" my husband asked, and I picked up on his intentions straight away, maybe it was because he'd hinted at it for the entire plane ride over here. It was a wonder none of the other passengers complained.

"Yes I am." I gave him a loving smooch on his cheeky lips, which he seemed to enjoy.

"We're in an airport." He reminded me taking a step away. I always thought that I would be the one to break his fear of PDA but he still seemed to struggle with it.

"Oh sorry." I smiled weakly and instead grabbed hold of his hand; he gave my fingers a squeeze as we made our way over to the baggage area to collect our luggage. I knew he was itching to get out of this place, and really so I was I. We didn't often get time alone having Harry living with us and the boys practically over every night anyway so this was our catch up, and don't even mean just the intimate bedroom sort of catch up, it was our time to talk and really reconnect with each other before I had to go back to work and he had to go on another tour. It was going to be a painful few months.

"What are you thinking?" he asked as we strolled down towards our cab, our bags being carried by staff - one of the many perks of having lots of money.

"Just thinking about how short one week is." I replied honestly, and looked at him.

"Hey, no thinking about that!" he squeezed my cheeks, just like I'd seen small children do to each other in the playground, it made it really hard to laugh and I knew I looked ridiculous.

"If we didn't ban phones I would totally have tweeted this right now." He started to laugh at me, which didn't really help on the no laugh situation.

"mghgff mfmhh." I said to him, which really meant. "Let go of me please." He finally let go of my face, leaving sweet kisses upon each cheek.

"Let's go and be roman." He cheered, holding his hand up in the air, as we neared the cab.

"Louis, wait up!" I ran to catch up with the boy who was now running over to the face.

"You hurry up." He called over to me, jumping into the car so I ran and slid in beside him unfortunately falling on top of him in the process. Face in his lap as it just so happened to be.

"Woah calm down girl, we haven't even snogged properly yet." He joked, but you could never by the way he spoke because he said it in all seriousness. I always wondered how he could keep a straight face every time he said something funny. It actually amazed me.

"i think I'll need to hire extra security just to keep you off me." He winked, and we buckled ourselves into our seats.


The hotel door went 'BANG' as Lou slammed it open, he grabbed onto me and wrapped my legs around his waist. We were kissing passionately all i could think about was taking him all in, his taste, his smell his touch everything about him drew me in. His tongue was dancing fiercely around my mouth his hands squeezed my body as he was taking in every inch of me. The door was locked, but I don't even remember how. All I remember was the steaminess of our first honeymoon 'catch up.' My heart was beating uncontrollably I could feel his through his chest. He laid me out on our king sized Italian bed, and started to remove some of his clothes. I pulled him closer and started to tease his lips with my tongue. I gave them a little nibble which I knew he adored I could almost taste the enjoyment in his mouth and that really made it all worth it.

I woke up in the arms of my naked husband; he was sound asleep moaning softly as he slept. I found it quite adorable and didn't want to disturb him. Instead I ran myself a bath, and climbed in quietly as though not to wake him.

"Jay?" he called in his sexy sleepy voice, and I called out to let him know where I was, he soon followed the sound of my voice and walked into the bathroom where I was lathered up in shower gel.

"You look hot." He told me, as he gave a little yawn he was so cute when he was tired.

"Come here you." I told him, and he took a few steps closer. He wasn't expecting me to pull him into the tub, but I did so anyway.

"You know you could have just asked me to get in." He pointed out, staring down at my bare chest.

"I know." I said cheekily, removing his boxers, which he had only just put back on.

"I finally get why people like honeymoons so much." He spoke between kisses. I started to giggle, but that definately didn't stop us from what we were doing.

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