Zayn and the Hottie

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Heeey guys! how are you today? lol idk why I just asked you that...sillly me eh?

anyways hope you enjoy this chapter! Please Comment below as to what you think is going to happen next or...what you would like to happen.. (please be more original than...jay have another baby...because I've said heaps and heaps of times that she will have more kids...) btw i am happy to announce that planning for the next book has just begun, so I will keep you posted about that!

I checked my phone as soon as I went back up to the suite, and Kristen helped me unzip my dress. She left me to get changed by myself but unfortunately I fell into the trap of checking my phone.

Twitter was open just as it always seemed to be these days. I didn’t often check my mentions but I had a sudden urge to do so.

‘Happy wedding day!’ said one girl.

‘When @Jay_me95 and @Louis_Tomlinson divorce, I’ll be there waiting!’ said another. My heart started to sink at the sight of that one. How do people have the nerve to say that? Especially on the internet with tags attached to the people they’re talking about.

“Jay do you need any help?” Kristen called in knocking on the door. I threw my phone on the bed, there was no way I was going to let that comment ruin my night.

“Coming.” I called quickly slipping into my mini dress, letting my hair down to look a little more casual.

She was standing up against the wall when I left the room, a rare smile appeared on her face when she saw I was ready to go back down.

“I feel like a drink.” She told me, I cracked a smile and shook my head back at her causing her to chuckle slightly.


“There you are.” Rob said greeting us when we stepped out of the elevator and back into the party. Kristen smiled as he took her in his arms. I decided I too needed to go and find my husband.

“I’m going to go find Lou, see you two later yeah?” the pair nodded and headed over to the drinks.

“Jay.” Harry grabbed hold of my arm as I walked past him, I looked him in the eye to see that he was smiling.

“Hey.” I matched his grin with my own.

“Sorry about being a downer about Lila earlier.” He apologized, looking slightly embarrassed of himself.

I wiped a stray hair and tucked it behind my ear. “No it’s fine Harry honestly.” I promised, resting a hand on his shoulder. He looked surprised by my kind gesture but not at all saddened.

“So who’s that hottie Zayn’s talking to then?” he asked cheekily changing the subject. What girl? I never knew Zayn was chatting up any girls. I thought Harry had been introduced by all the girls who were here. I slowly turned around to locate Zayn, scanning the room looking for the tall boy at first I thought Harry must have been joking because I couldn’t see Zayn anywhere, but then I saw him. I saw him with her.

“So?” harry persisted desperately wanting to know who she was. But I couldn’t even speak, no words formed in my mouth I looked like a beached fish gasping for air.

“Jay?” he asked confused, but I had drowned him out completely all I could focus on was Zayn and who he was talking to, I watched as she held onto his arms all lovingly and he laughed at something she had said. What the hell was she playing at anyway? Why does Zayn always seem to be the one falling for the wrong girls?

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