The Second Announcement

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“We’re all moving back to London.”

“Excuse me?” I asked confused.

“The band is moving back to London and you’re welcome to come if you’d like. Jay come on it’d be a fresh start for the both of us.” Louis tried to convince me.

“Um I need to sit down.” And so I did.

“Did you want us to give you a minute?” Zayn asked and turned to the other boys. I shook my head, what was the use of them giving me privacy, we’re all adults here after all.

“Lou, what about my job there isn’t work in England for me.” I started and he shook his head.

“You’ll find something, and if you don’t then we’ll just tour in America when you’re over here making a movie.” He was smiling like he had really thought everything through. I still wasn’t so sure about this but I desperately wanted to make things right with him.

“Well?” Harry asked and all the others joined in staring at me.

“I guess we’re moving to London.” I grinned from ear to ear and watched as they all started jumping around excitedly. It was a comfort watching them all so happy I knew my life was going to change drastically but it was all going to be worth it. I’d have my husband back and that’s all I could think about.


We were to move in one month’s time from the announcement, during that one month Harry hadn’t even bothered to move out since he’d already bought his own fancy place in London. His house was 3 miles from the one Louis had bought for us in fact all the boys were no more than 15 miles from our place. I knew that we’d probably be seeing them all more regularly when we moved.

Penny and Niall didn’t want a big deal wedding so they flew in their parents and a few close friends and had a service on the beach it was beautifully romantic and it suited their relationship nicely.

Harry and Louis were seated in the living room when I decided I’d tell them, the nerves were really getting to me by then and I had no idea how they would react. It wasn’t like I hadn’t told them anything before but I was still nervous all the same.

They didn’t even bat an eyelid when I walked in. Louis was watching Television and Harry was busy playing on his phone. I coughed awkwardly to grasp their attentions. They both looked up and me but didn’t say a thing.

“Um can I have your attention for a moment please?” I asked sincerely. They both nodded and looked at each other with confusion.

“So we’re moving next week, and everything is changing including me.” I started and the two of them began to protest.

“No you aren’t it’ll be the same just different environment!” Louis explained, I just shook my head and laughed.

“That’s not what I really meant babe.”

“Then what is it?” Harry pestered.

“I’m pregnant.” I announced proudly. The change in their faces was priceless, Louis tackled Harry to the floor and the pair started laughing in excitement. It didn’t take them long before they’d moved their little part to around me. The hugs and the kisses were almost unbearable but I sure as hell was glad they reacted this way.

The nerves I previously had inside of me had moved, I knew that this time we were going to make this pregnancy work whether it killed me or not. Louis deserved to have the baby he’d always secretly wanted and I was going to make sure of it!

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