Making Love, not wars

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“Lou wake up.” I tried to wake me sleeping lover, he didn’t seem to want to move. So I leant over to lightly shake him once more.

“Mmm what?” he asked with his eyes shut.

“Get up.” I nagged, reaching down to find my sneakers, but Louis had other plans, the lazy bones rolled back over in an attempt to fall back to sleep.

“Louis, get up you lazy bones.” I urged him jumping up to find my coat.

“For goodness sake Jay it’s 1am!” he whispered angrily after checking the time on his blackberry, little did he know that I was well aware of the time.

“What are you waiting for? It’s our last day in Italy, we have to make the most of the rest of our honeymoon baby.” Yes I used the emotional blackmail card, but hey nothing else was working.

“Fine.” He gave in finally.


“What are we doing here?” Louis whispered as i shone the light of our torches into the fountain.

“We’re going for a dip.” I answered cheekily removing my clothes, his eyes widened but I could tell he didn’t want to protest.

“Isn’t that illegal?” he asked shakily, and I shook my head at him.

“You, Louis Tomlinson are protesting fun because it may be illegal? What the hell happened to you?” I teased, jumping in fully naked.

“Hey, I’m still fun!” he protested removing his own clothes,

I started to giggle as the man I called my husband jumped into the water with a loud splash, I grabbed him by the arm pulling him closer to me, we embraced each other in the water, and started to make passionate Italian love right there.


We snuck back into our hotel room still heavily aware of each other’s bodies, I was aware that he wanted me, as I’m sure he knew I wanted him just as much. We stumbled into the bathroom and walked straight into the shower, to wash away the fountain water from our bodies.

“I love you.” He whispered rubbing his hands along my exposed body, as the water dripped down my face.

“I love you too.”  I told him, and I really meant it. I loved him with my whole heart and I would never give that up for anything.

“Let’s make a baby” he started to get excited, a smile heated up his wet face.

“Right now?” I asked just to make sure, he nodded eagerly pulling me closer.

“Ok.” Was all I managed to say before his lips crashed onto mine.

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