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Heeey guys, I've been told that this book isn't funny enough so I'm sorry about that i will try harder to make it funny when it needs to be. anyway here's the next chapter, and like some of you guessed...the unexpected visitor is............

“Mum.” I called out to my Mother who was talking to my Mother in law nearby.

“Yeah?” she answered me, Harry was still looking confused as ever.

“Why is Jelena here?” I tried my hardest to remain calm.

“I don’t know baby.” Mum stared at me sympathetically.

“Jelena?” Louis interrupted, walking over towards me.

“She’s with Zayn.” I told him with clenched teeth.

“Wait, so Zayn’s new girlfriend is that chick you went to school with?” Harry asked laughing nervously.

“You knew Zayn had a girlfriend?” I angrily turned to the curly haired boy standing behind me.

“I didn’t know that she was Jelena now did I?” he asked slowly.

“I guess not.” I admitted giving him a weak smile.

“Just don’t let her get to you, Zayn obviously has seen a side to her that we haven’t, high school was years ago Jay, she may have changed.” Mum looked at me with hopeful eyes. I was hoping that she was right.

“I guess so, but it isn’t me you’ll have to protect her from” I just managed to say before a loud racket came from Zayn’s side of the room.

“Speak of the devil” I murmured.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing showing up here like that?” My sister Tamy yelled at my former best friend. I’d never seen Zayn so startled in my entire life; i guess he’d never seen this side of my sister before.

“Well? Don’t just stand there looking like a dumb cow.” She bellowed, and everyone started to stare.

“Zayn invited me as his date.” I could just hear her squeak; it appeared that she was still scared of Tamy after all these years.

“Zayn how could you? After everything she’s done! You invited her to Jay’s wedding?” She was practically in tears, but I knew her better than that she would never cry in front of all these people.

“Tamy that’s enough.” Dad tried to calm her down but all she did was pull away from him. I could see Bailey and Zac watching awkwardly nearby, I was secretly hoping Lou’s family wouldn’t think poorly of us over that incident.

“What’s going on?” Zayn finally asked the dreaded question, I did not want my big mouthed sister blurting out to the entire room, so I did the unexpected something that I had never thought possible.

“Jelena, I’m so glad that you could make it!” I gushed walking over to her with my arms spread out, Tamy’s face was not impressed but for the sake of my future I really needed to calm this all down.

I made myself hug this girl who had hurt me in more ways than one, and for some reason it wasn’t as bad as I had imagined.

“Jay, I’m so sorry about all of this if I knew it was going to cause a scene I would never have come.” She told me apologetically and I only nodded. Zayn was even more confused by this and I knew then that i had a lot of explaining to do.

“Don’t worry about it, I don’t hold grudges.” Which was the absolute truth, standing here with the girl in front of me I didn’t feel the aching of hatred bubbling throughout my body like I used to, I felt quite calm like I’d finally come to peace with it all. The trouble from my past had melted. Sure I will always be hurt by what she had done, but It was in the past. I knew we would never be friends again but this wedding was the perfect way to end our friendship on a happy note right?


Everybody was later seated, Jelena and I hadn’t officially talked or anything but we had the whole night right? So I wasn’t too worried about it just yet. It was time for the toasting part of the night which I knew was going to make me cry but I was prepared so I hoped I wouldn’t tear up too much.

My daddy was the first to make his speech, I had told him previously to keep it simple and he had agreed because he didn’t do well with public speaking. He cleared his throat and looked around the room, I hoped that he remembered the advice I gave him earlier. ‘Just concentrate on my daddy, not anybody else.’ I crossed my fingers for good luck

“Hi, I’m Jay’s father. I have been waiting for this moment for twenty five years, and I must say that it is one of the most difficult things I have ever had to do. Although it is overwhelming to give your daughter away, it is so satisfying to know that she is marrying one of the greatest men I've ever met. If I had to choose someone for her to be with, I would not pick anyone else. Jay, although I have been cringing at the thought of letting you go, I could not be happier for my little girl. I have watched you go through school, boyfriends, and breakups, and now I know that it was all worth it. I only wish the best for the both of you, and I know that you will have a beautiful marriage that will never once waiver. Louis, I am confident that you will take care of my daughter. You have been a part of the family for a while now and since day one my impression of you has not once changed. Thank you for treating my daughter like gold and for that I can never thank you enough.” He then raised his glass in the direction of everyone else and everybody raised their glasses.

“To Lou and Jay.” He toasted, the crowd repeated what he said and clapped as he made his way back towards his seat. Louis shook his hand before getting out of his own seat and heading over to the front of the room himself.

“So my name is Louis Tomlinson, I’m just an average lad from Doncaster and Today I married the woman of my dreams. When we first met, I knew she was something special. Her smile could light up a room and her laugh was contagious which was funny because she said the same about mine. But it went beyond that. I quickly came to learn that she's also caring, compassionate and loyal - and has a great sense of humour to boot! I feel extremely lucky to have Jay as my wife. I look forward to our life together, with all its twists and turns, joys and sorrows. I know in my heart that we were meant to be together - it was simply meant to be, heck sometimes I can’t believe how much luck I’ve had in my life, but I will never take that for granted, I’ve found my girl and there will never be another. I want to thank The Wilton’s for welcoming me into their family; I could never thank you enough for that. Jay, I love you forever with all my heart and I always will.” Everybody started cheering, my eyes began to water especially when he came over to kiss me.

Harry came out of nowhere, wearing Zayn’s tie around his forehead, he looked ridiculous but I guess that was the point, he was having fun and that was all that mattered.

“Good Afternoon Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys and Girls.
For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Harry Styles and for those of you that do ... well I apologize, first off I’d just like to say that I am honored that Lou’s finally admitted that I’m the best man.” Everybody started laughing. “I remember the first time I met that cheeky bastard back in the X factor days, I still find it hard to believe how far we’ve come, I find it even harder to believe that the same lad who filled his beanie with salt, and confessed his love for Susan Boyle on national television was still able to find an actual normal girl to trick into marrying him. I'd just like to say, Lou, you are a lucky groom - you've married Jay, who’s beautiful, smart, funny, warm, loving and caring, and she deserves a good husband. So thank God you married her before she found one.  But seriously I am so happy for you two, you have no idea how lucky you are to have found each other.” He finished off his toast, it seemed to me as though really he wanted to say more but he never did. He looked over towards me with a sad faraway look in his eye. Lila really did break him; I just wished I could do something about it. Speaking of Lila, it was her turn to toast but for some reason she was nowhere to be found.


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