Jay's on the job!

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Waking up at 5 for most people would be a chore, but in many ways I was not like most people. I was glad to be waking up at this early hour and quietly taking a shower trying not to wake any of the boys up.

I slipped on my tracksuit and ugg boots, and slipped out the front door, there weren’t many people awake at this hour, mostly delivery trucks, and other movie and television workers from the area. I smiled at the familiar sights as I drove down my street. I stopped to chat to the security officers at the front beam gate they seemed happy to see me, and even congratulated me on my new marital status. It was good to be back.

I picked up a copy of that day’s filming schedule, I wasn’t needed for another hour. So I headed over to the make-up and wardrobe trailers.

Jenny my hair stylist was jumping excitedly at my return.

“Miss married woman huh?” she said whilst giving me a giant hug.

“That’s me.” I said removing my rings and placing them into one of the containers, because my character was only in high school I had to take off my engagement and wedding bands for work every day.

“Lila showed me the photo’s it looked lovely.” She complimented me as I sat down in the chair, and she played with my hair.

“It was amazing, I couldn’t have asked for a better wedding.” I admitted watching myself in the mirror in front of us.

“I bet.”

Lila walked into the trailer wearing her hot pink sweats, and rollers in her hair but as soon as she saw me she turned and left.

“What was that all about?” I asked Jenny but she had no idea.


The first scene we filmed for that day was a scene with both me and Lila, I was at her character’s house trying to comfort her over a nasty incident at our school.

“She’s a cow, you know she’s always been a cow babe, don’t take anything she says seriously.” I told Lila in character, as I shoved a mouthful of cookie dough into my mouth. I was feeling quite fat there for a moment especially since I’d just come back from Italy with a heavy belly.

“I know I shouldn’t but seriously did she have to go there? It was so long ago.” She cried into my shoulder.

We continued back and forth as Lila and I recited our lines perfectly we nearly always did every scene without mistakes I guess we were both just that talented.

When the director shouted cut, Lila instantly broke away from me, and headed out to grab a drink from her water bottle.

“Lila, what’s wrong?” I pressed her but she completely ignored me, and started to walk away. I of course followed her all the way to her personal trailer.

“Come on Lila tell me what I did wrong.” I begged, and she turned around to face me for the first time.

“You want to know what you did wrong?” she asked me, treating me as if I was an idiot.

“Yes, that’s why I am asking.” I cried and she started searching her handbag for something. When she found what she was looking for, it was a magazine. She opened it to the correct page and shoved it into my body before racing off.

I took the book and studied the page that she had forced upon me, when I noticed what the article was on I knew exactly what I had to do!

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