Hey Friend!

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“Hey Liam, this is my friend Tess.” I interrupted his conversation with my sister, the two of them looked startled, I just didn’t think too much of it at the time.

            “Hey nice to meet you.” He held out his hand for a handshake, but Tess was still too nervous, maybe it was the best that she didn’t end up an actor eh?

            Tamy started to giggle, but I don’t actually think Tess noticed. Liam looked at her as she laughed but didn’t say anything.

            “I’m sure she’ll snap out of it eventually.” I apologised to Liam, and took Tess onto the next lot of people. We walked over to a group of young people who were having a laugh. I tapped one boy on his shoulder causing him to jump out of fright.

“Thomas Lacey, it’s so good to see you.” I greeted him, and he spun around to and noticed who I was.

“The woman of the hour.” He bowed down to me and I started to giggle. I met this guy in Australia at a film premiere. I fell in love with his character from Dance Academy, and we soon became friends.

“I’d like you to meet my friend Tess; this is her first time with us famous folk.” I explained and he turned to my quiet friend.

“I’m not famous.” He assured her, although he was on a hit TV show that was broadcasted around the world, if that isn’t at least a tiny bit famous then I don’t know what was.

“You’re that Dance Academy guy right?” Tess finally spoke up, he started to smile.

“That’s me.” He told her looking her in the eye, I guess they really hit it off because they couldn’t keep their eyes off each other.

“Hey dude, you can talk to her later after I introduce her to everyone!” I clicked my fingers in front of his face for effect.

“Right, well see you later then Tess.” He told her, and she smiled grandly, I grabbed hold of her hand and walked her over to Louis.

“Louis.” I called out to him; he looked up from what looked like an awkward conversation with my aunty. He looked incredibly pleased to see us.

“This is my friend Tess.” I told him, introducing the pair finally.

“Nice to meet you” he told her enthusiastically before giving her a slight hug.

“Jay, I was just telling your man here all about how happy we all are that you’re finally getting married.” Aunt Beth told me, I gulped, this was so embarrassing! I hated how all the adults in my family thought I would never walk down the aisle. It was completely unfair of them to assume so.

“Well I am too.” I smiled sweetly back at her while on the inside I was fuming.

            “I’m just showing Tess around, so if you’ll excuse us.” I told my aunt while giving Louis an apologetic look; he had to understand why I couldn’t stay!

I looked in the direction we were headed, and spotted Harry looking rather glum, I didn’t know what to do, should I go and see if he’s okay? Or just walk by?

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