Morning Snogs.

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"Hey babe, wake up." Louis whispered, poking at my face. I must have dozed off after the whole Harry incident. I opened my heavy eyes to the sight of my gorgeous husband to be.

"Morning beautiful." He leant down to kiss me good morning I was hoping I didn't taste gross, not that it would matter to him.

"Why don't I ever get morning snogs like that?" Liam asked, pouting. Lou leant over to kiss him too, hopefully not the same kiss as he just gave me! I had to groan when Lou's heavy ass planted itself on my lap, it's not like he was extremely heavy but it was unexpected.

"I'm not going back to my seat, I'm sick of Lila and Harry eating each other." Lou complained making himself comfortable on my lap.

"That's disgusting." I scrunched up my face, but Liam just looked at me sincerely. I wanted to tell him to shut up but that would mean explaining things to Louis which I did not want to do. I don't love Harry, I love Louis and that's all there was to it. I'd just have to make sure Harry and I are never alone on this trip.

"They do remember that the public are on this flight right?" Liam asked the both of us, Lou started laughing his adorable laugh, I'd always loved listening to him laugh, whether it was before I'd met him or even now. His laugh was amazing.

"Niall, time to wake up" Louis shouted, loud enough to startle his friend awake, but not quite loud enough to disrupt the other passengers.

"What the hell Louis." Niall growled angrily snuggling back up against Zayn's shoulders.

"I'm going to take a photo of them to, so when they log onto twitter next, they'll get flooded with Ziall messages." A creepy grin spread across Lou's face, he was up to his old tricks again and loving every second of it.

"You are terrible." I told him, standing up so he could sit back down on my seat, if he was going to share my seat I wanted to be on top. There was no way I was going to step off this plane with numb legs.

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