Home at last!

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Our honey moon was absolutely amazing, we did all those crazy touristy things and took a million photos in front of buildings. We ate so much amazing food that I probably gained 5 pounds in the week. We kissed and we hugged and we bonded on more than just the physical side of our relationship. I witnessed the fun carefree Louis that I hadn’t seen in a while. I saw the crazy British nut that I fell in love with years ago. On the plane ride home the both of us slept, we had a fantastic time but let’s face it we never had time to sleep. The house was quiet when we walked into our apartment. It was just the way we left it, if not more tidier than before. We both assumed Harry was sleeping, but when we checked on his room we realised that we were alone. Louis looked at me with a tired cheeky grin.

“No.” I said firmly, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer, he inched closer and closer before starting to bite the nape of my neck.

“I’m too tired.” I protested crossing my arms across my chest.

“Come on, Harry’s not even here.” he winked, tugging at the ends of my shirt.

“Fine.” He picked me up over his shoulder and ran with me towards our room, it felt like years since we’d been there, and it was great to be home!


Harry still wasn’t home the next morning but that wasn’t unusual at least Louis wasn’t worried about him, so i didn’t mind too much. We took our last day off lounging around the house and doing washing. I was dying to see the boys but Louis told me they were all busy. Niall was probably with Penny and the others were doing who knows what.

“Do you think it worked?” he asked me that night at dinner, I looked over to him confused.

“What?” i asked not picking up on what he was getting at.

“The baby thing.” He said with a shy smile on his lips.

“Oh, we’ll see soon enough.” I answered him, leaning over to give him a big kiss. There was a bang of the front door, which meant Harry was finally home, he walked past the kitchen but for some reason looked startled by the fact that we were home.

“Harry.” Louis called out to his best friend, excited by his return, but Harry didn’t share the same excited look on his face, to be honest he looked horrified.

“I didn’t know you’d be home.” He told us, moodily. Louis didn’t pick up on his moodiness which was a good thing.

“Good to see you Harry.” I interrupted to ease their awkwardness, not wanting the two boys to land into any sort of arguments.

“Yeh same.” Was all Harry said before darting off to his bedroom and slamming the door behind him.

“I’d better get to bed soon.” I said with a yawn as I washed up our dishes, Louis came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my tiny waist.

“I have work tomorrow, at five.” I reminded him, and he took the dishes from my hands.

“You go to bed, I’ll finish washing these up.” He offered giving me a kiss goodnight. He truly was the best husband in the world!

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