Someday :)

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It’s perfect” Miley awed, staring at me in complete marvel. The others had all gone to get changed themselves but she’d offered to stay back and help me with my dress.

“It has to be.” I said with a smile, I was marrying the most perfect boy in existence my wedding had to be 100% perfect in my eyes. She took out her Iphone and snapped a quick picture of me.

“Hey, wait until I’ve said ‘I do’ before you go posting that online.” I joked and she put her phone away.

“No seriously you have no idea how jealous of you I am right now.” She did that thing where she stares at you with her voice lowered; I’d seen her do this many times on her show Hannah Montana, just like back then it brought a smile to my face.

“What are you talking about; your wedding dress was amazing.” I reminded her, taking one last inspection of myself in the mirror. The truth was I’d never seen myself happier and there was nothing in this world that would stop me from walking down that aisle. Nothing!

She left me alone, so she too had time to prepare herself, which I was quite fine with, I could use an extra minute or two by myself after all.

“Jay” The deep husky voice of Lou’s best man interrupted my final thoughts; I look one last glance into the mirror before turning to face him.

“How do I look?” I asked him, but he quickly turned away, my self esteem immediately went out the window, if he thought I looked bad then surely his best friend would too right?

“You know the wedding scene in the last twilight movie, where Edward isn’t happy about her male friends thinking in proper thoughts about his bride?” he asked softly, finally turning to face me.

“Yeah?” I asked confused, not quite understanding the relevance of the twilight reference.

“Well let’s just say that I’m glad Louis doesn’t have the mind reading gene.” He joked, as a wide cheeky smile broke on his face. I looked directly into his green eyes and felt a rush of happiness. Here I was standing here with the one person who could have ruined it all, and everything was back to normal. Harry and I were no longer awkward around each other, even the thought of what had happened make me blush a little. We were nothing but siblings from here on out and that’s the way it was going to stay.

“Shall we?” he asked holding his arm out for me to take hold of.

“We shall.” I answered reaching out to latch myself onto his nicely pressed suit arm.

I didn’t turn back once we’d left the suite together, Miley and the other bridesmaids were waiting for us in the elevator, they all looked absolutely stunning I couldn’t believe my eyes. I must have been gaping at them because Lottie asked if I was alright. Tamy, Bailey, Miley, Lila, Lottie and Fizzy all stood inside that mirrored elevator with us, it almost looked like a fairytale.


what do you think will happen next??

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