Sydneyyyyyyy :D

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The camera's were there waiting for us as we stepped foot in the Sydney Airport. We just couldn't win anywhere we went and of course because the entire band were here as well as Lila and I. There was bound to be more stories made up about us. I tried to keep my eye on that man who interrupted Harry and I that morning on the plane, the last thing I needed was him to blab what he saw all over the news. Harry didn't seem to care about him. All he was worried about was getting a good photo with Lila, probably to prove to the world that he could keep a relationship with a younger woman. I snorted bitterly thinking about it, and Louis gave me a strange look.

"You look really hot in that." Lou whispered, I was still wearing my show clothes from last night, I wasn't bothered to change before or during the flight so I guess I did look rather strange to the press.

"Shh you." I turned away shyly. We were quickly rushed away by the airport security team to make sure none of us were harmed.

"We still got it" Harry joked, making sexy poses in Liam's direction.

"Yeah we still got that one thing." Liam made an equally as bad joke about them, Zayn, Louis and Niall all started high fiving each other, thinking it was the funniest thing ever.

Lila and I just rolled our eyes at them; she even came over to me and started hugging me. I love Lila even though she doesn't realise that I hate her being with Harry.

"When do we get to leave here? I want to go explore the city!" Lila hadn't ever been to Sydney before so this was an exciting experience for her.

"Soon I hope." I told her and I really meant it. I hate airports I just wanted to go outside in the fresh Australian air.

"Can we leave yet?" Lou asked one of the security personnel.

"In a few minutes, we are just waiting on your bags." He told us, everyone relaxed a little. We were so lucky that we didn't have to go back out there with the cameras. I was the only one wearing clothes, the others were in sweats and PJ's. Let's face it my outfit wasn't exactly touristy now was it?

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