Lila's toast

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"Hon if Lila isn't quite ready I'd be honoured to say a few words while we wait." Lou's Mum offered and I couldn't refuse, I loved that woman to bits!

"Attention everybody." She announced clinking her glass with a fork, to settle down the anxious murmurs.

"Hi, I'm Lou's mum; with I'm sure some of you already know. I haven't really prepared anything to say to you all but I guess I will start with this; When my boy went on the X factor, I knew our lives were going to change I just never understood how much until afterwards but even then I was never prepared for this craziness to happen. I admit back then I was worried that he'd get his heart broken and that girls would only want him for his fame or money but here we are at the wedding of the most perfectly matched people I've ever encountered. I am so glad to finally be able to call Jay family; we share more than a nickname now. She's the daughter in law I could never have asked for and I am so very happy that she can make my boo happy." She started to tear up, and I looked across the table to see my own mother was too crying. The pair of them joined in a motherly hug, which of course was the best kind of hug. I felt Lou's warm hands rub against my bare back as he too watched our mothers cuddling. From the corner of my eye I noticed Harry and Lila slyly returning if I hadn't noticed Harry's red face I would have thought they had left for a quickie but it was clear that I would have been mistaken.

"Is it my turn yet?" Lila asked, kneeling down beside me, I sighed but nodded anyway. I don't even think she noticed my disappointment.

"Hey I'm Lila, Jay's best friend or maid of honour." She spoke clearly into the microphone, and I think everyone was hungry because hardly anybody was looking at her.

"She's been an inspiration to my life, I met her when I was 17 she was like a role model to me, and still is. I just can't believe that she's already married and we all have to admit that she looked like Cinderella in that dress, that's because she is a real princess. Now Tomlinson, you'd better take care of her, or else." She jokingly pointed to her eyes as if to tell him she'll be watching him.

"Who's ready to eat?" she cheered raising her glass which of course caught the attention of the hungry guests.


When everybody had finished eating, it was time to mingle, which was the part of the wedding I was looking forward to the most. We had decided to cut out the 'couple's first dance' routine from our reception because let's face it Lou and I aren't ballroom dancers.

"I love you Mrs Tomlinson." Louis whispered in my ear.

"I love you too." I responded giving him an adoring smile, we got caught up in the moment when Niall came running over to us.

"Lou." He began to laugh hysterically, and Harry soon followed him too laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked not understanding the joke, I turned to Harry who had a smirk planted on his previously sad face.

"Lou we just, we just..." Niall could hardly speak, it was beginning to frustrate the pair of us as we clearly weren't a part of this joke the two of them shared.

"Just tell him." Harry started in a fit of giggles.

"Is it something dirty?" Louis asked hopefully with a gleam in his eye.

"You'd hope not." Niall finally said seriously.

"You're not going to be too happy though." Harry assured his friend, looking over to Niall and the two shared a secret eye ball communication.

"Ok fine I'll tell you...Justin and Fizz are snogging." Niall started laughing again at the sight of Lou's shocked face; Harry too couldn't hold back his belly laugh either.

"Where are they?" Lou demanded, although he wasn't too forceful more over protective if anything.

"Just leave them alone." I tried to tell him but he sure as hell didn't want to listen.

"Harry come on tell me." He pestered and Harry gave in.

"Near the rear bathroom, you know where we all came in?" he gestured with his hands as he tried to explain where he had seen our siblings.

"Right that's it, I'm going to go and sort this out. Be right back." He kissed me on the forehead and raced off to find out what was going on.

"They aren't really are they?" I asked them suspiciously.

"No they actually are, that's the funniest part." Niall couldn't contain his smile.

"Why'd you let him run off to embarrass them then?" I whacked the pair on the back of their heads and decided I would go and stalk Bailey instead.

"Hey you, how's married life treating ya?" Ed asked me as I walked past him.

"So far so good." I gave him the thumbs up and he laughed. "Thank you so much for coming all the way over here." I thanked him, and I could tell he knew I meant it.

"I wasn't going to miss Lou's wedding." He assured me taking a sip from his drink.

"Well thank you still." I quickly gave him a hug before excusing myself.

"Jay thanks, for saving me from your sister earlier." Jelena stopped me dead in my tracks, apparently Zayn had better things to do than sit and chat to her.

"Oh that's okay you know how she gets sometimes." I smiled, still uneasy around her.

"Look I know we have a past, and showing up here probably wasn't the best plan but I just wanted to see you and tell you how proud I am of you." And to be honest she did look as though she was telling the truth, I knew this because she is a terrible liar.

"Thank you." Was all I said before Zayn interrupted and I excused myself once more on a hunt for Bailey.

"Bailey." I called out to her so I couldn't be interrupted again.

"Hey you, haven't talked to you in a while." She greeted me with a giant warm hug, I sunk into her body this hug was exactly what I needed.

"Justin is making out with one of Lou's sisters." I filled her in and she started to laugh.

"I hope it wasn't one of the twins."

"Oh golly no, Lou would have kicked his ass." We both started to giggle.

"Babe, Liam and I just wanted to say goodnight, we have to fly back in the morning to see the kids thank you so much for inviting us." Miley gave me a giant hug.

"It was good coming back to Australia." Liam told me before he too gave me a cuddle.

"We'll have to catch up when you come back from your honeymoon." She gave me a promiscuous wink before blowing a kiss and heading out the door.

"She is so nice." Bailey noted, sipping her champagne acting like a snooty upper east sider.

"You look ridiculous." I told her and she began to act innocent.

It was 3am when everybody started to become tired, Lou and I were headed off on our honeymoon in the morning so we didn't mind that everyone wanted to start heading to bed.

"Thank you so much for coming." Was my famous over used sentence of the night, but it wasn't really my fault if I meant it was it?

soooo who doesn't like Lila?

What do you think will Happen next?

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