Sleepyheads and Curlyheads.

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Niall turned around to talk to Liam about something, but before he turned back around he stared at me, and started to giggle.

"What?" I snapped.

"I can't take you seriously with that outfit." He turned back around still laughing.

"What, I'm not allowed to wear the union jack? I am Australian you know, we do have one on our flag too; unlike you Mr Irish." I pointed out immaturely followed by poking my cheeky tongue out at him, although he couldn't actually see that with his back turned and all.

"Sleep time for Liam." Liam yawned, pulled up his blanket and closed his eyes, now this is the part of the flight that is going to be boring, Liam is going to be asleep and I am wide awake. I put my earphones into my ears to watch whatever movie was playing on the screen in front of me. Thank goodness it wasn't Grease.

It started to quiet down as all the passengers were starting to fall asleep, that's the problem with night flights. Everyone likes to sleep, but not me I'm the opposite I try to stay awake the entire time so that when we land I can try and adjust to the time difference. I leaned out into the aisle to see if Louis was asleep but of course he was. I wanted to distract myself from sleeping so I started to think about the wedding, it was one of the most expensive weddings I've ever heard of, especially since our guests are flying from all around the world and Lou offered to pay for all of their flights. But I can't really complain we were pretty rich especially with my new singing career. I poked my tongue out at the sleeping Liam beside me when I started thinking about my singing career. That's right Liam take that.

Someone was walking up the aisle; I took a good look to see who it was. A sleepy faced version of Harry was walking towards me and for a second I thought he was going to stop and chat to me, but he didn't. It appeared he was on his way to the bathroom.

For some unknown reason a question came into my mind. Should I follow him? I had a mini debate going on in my mind as I watched him wander all the way up the aisle behind us, stepping over bags and dragging his feet. Should I?

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