Plane rides with my Bestie

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I sat next to Liam on the Plane because bloody Louis said he needed privacy or something like that, he was working on a surprise for me, which I wasn't allowed to see until we got there, but whatever I didn't mind. I always love hanging out with My Li Li.

"So how'd the big performance go?" Liam asked excitedly as we buckled our seatbelts up in preparation of our long flight.

"It was amazing; I loved every second of it." I had to bite my tongue from blabbing on any further because when I had something exciting to talk about most people want to bash my head in or tell me to shut the hell up, I respected Liam too much to annoy him.

"Admit it; you're addicted now aren't you?" I nodded shamefully, and he started laughing at me, what a nice friend he is.

Niall and Zayn were sitting in front of us, picking out what they would like from the menu. This was going to be a very long flight but I was with Liam it took my mind off whatever Harry and Lila were doing to each other in the front row.

"How long is the flight again? I always forget." Liam asked me, interrupting my train of thought.

"Fifteen hours you have to put up with me." I smiled cheekily at him. He shrugged and switched his IPOD on.

"Listening to the Grease soundtrack are ya?" I teased, but he pretended he couldn't hear me, cheeky bugger. We had been very competitive with the whole competing albums thing; it really was a nail biter when the movie first came out. I will never ever let him forget that my soundtrack was higher than the One Direction album for an entire week. He owed me $100 from a bet we made on that very subject.

"Louis." I called down to him; he was a few rows ahead of us, doing his secret business I wasn't allowed to know about. As soon as he heard his name being called he turned around to see what I wanted.

"What babe?" he asked me with an expressionless face.

"Liam won't talk to me because my album beat his." I tattle tailed, it was quite funny because Liam was always the one we tattled to about Louis, but now it was reversed.

"Tell him I haven't forgotten about paying him back from the last show." He winked, obviously this was a secret they both shared, I had no clue what he was talking about. I turned back to Liam who had his eyes shut mumbling along the lyrics of the song he was listening to. I didn't hesitate to disturb him as I took one of the earphones out of his ear.

"Leeeyuuumm, Lou said you have to talk to me because he hasn't forgotten about paying you back from the last show." I even copied the wink Lou gave me, to make it all the more effective. He looked positively startled, and subconsciously placed a hand in the crotch of his trousers, in a shield of protection. My guess is somebody made a swipe at my future babies and Lou wanted revenge, Liam was turning out to be quite mischievous these days.

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