Face flicking.

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"You are turning into him I swear." He rolled his eyes at me.

"That is an absurd accusation." I pretended to be outraged, but my smile gave it all away. The plane was about to take off so we had to all sit up straight and pay attention to all the boring safety instructions, which we've all heard a million times before let's face it.

"You're meant to pay attention you know." Liam whispered over to me, I leaned over to reply to him, keeping one eye on the flight attendant in case she got angry at me for not listening.

"If we crash I'll die anyway, no point in convincing us we have a hope." He shook is head at my negative attitude.

"She's finished explaining now; oh no we're all going to die." I said sarcastically, but he just flicked my face in response.

"Really Liam?" I asked him, titling my head to the side, he chuckled quite happy with himself really.

"This is going to be the best fifteen hours of my life." I sighed, oh Liam what am I going to do with him?

When the seatbelt lights turned off he stood up to make his seat more comfortable, played around with the settings of the chair, and fluffed up his pillows, meanwhile i just stayed seated and undid my seatbelt because I hated that darn thing. Liam sat back down again but leaned over towards me as if he needed to tell me something.

"Harry and Lila are snogging." He whispered in a really happy voice, like he was happy that he caught his friend in a lip lock. Now usually I would have started teasing the pants off him, and maybe I would have if it were Niall or Zayn but this was Harry, I don't know why it mattered so much, it shouldn't matter at all. I was marrying his best friend for goodness sake.

"Jay, no." Liam told me off, I had a slight suspicion that he'd caught on that I wasn't exactly thrilled about his discovery.

"No, no, no, no. Stop that." He really didn't approve of my disapproval it seemed.

"What are you going on about?" I hissed, trying to keep my voice down.

"You are engaged." He said between gritted teeth. Niall and Zayn in front of us were talking to the flight attendants about food, so we knew their ears were close.

"When this plane lands I am taking you out to knock some sense into that blonde head of yours." He flicks my face again, something he never dared to do when I was pregnant in fact all the boys were quite gentle around me back then, which I kind of miss.

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