A Husky Voice.

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Liam left me by myself sitting at the same table we’d been at the entire night, Zayn had joined in with Lou and Niall’s drinking game, and I think they had started a game of karaoke which was never fair when they played with the public, I mean come on unfair advantage much?

“Hey.” A husky voice interrupted my thoughts.

“Hey.” I smiled up at Harry who was just about to take a seat at my table.

“You and Liam looked like you were having a fun conversation.” He chuckled, playing with his curls.

“Maybe we were.” I joked, taking another sip from my drink.

“So, how was your day then?” he asked, moving the conversation along, his shy smile made my heart ache, I didn’t want to feel this way. He’s my fiancé’s best friend, the best man at my wedding in fact. So why was he sitting here with me looking all gorgeous like that?

“It was relaxing.” I answered, no able to find a better word.

“Not the answer I was expecting” he laughed immaturely referring to the ‘unpacking’ incident.

“I had a lovely nap.” I grinned back at him.

“So did you get my messages?” he finally asked, in all seriousness. I secretly hoped he would forget about all that craziness for one night but unfortunately not. I looked over to where the other boys were, none of them were paying attention to us so I leaned closer towards Harry.

“Yeah I did.” He turned to face me, his eyes locked on mine.

“Oh yeah good.” He shyly faced away from me, probably embarrassed.

“It’s quite hot in here isn’t it?” I complained fanning myself with my hands; no I wasn’t trying to flirt with him. Nor was I trying to suggest anything naughty, I just am very sensitive to heat.

“Want to go outside for a bit, maybe have that chat?” he suggested, I couldn’t think about anything but cooling down so I nodded and we left our three drunken friends inside.

The cooler air hit our faces as we stepped out into the city streets, it wasn’t necessarily cold but it was a definite temperature drop from inside.

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