I kissed Lou's girl and I liked it.

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“Harry, this is my friend Tess.” I said as I walked over towards him. He was sitting there all alone and looked really upset about something. I followed my eyes to the destination of his glance. Lila.

            “Harry?” I repeated his name, and he quickly snapped out of his trance.

            “Nice to meet you.” He nodded over to Tess, faking a smile.

My heart hung low, as I watched my best friend, Lila flirt with four guys at once, no wonder Harry wasn’t feeling too well.

            “It’s an honour to meet you.” Tess practically drooled. I couldn’t blame her really I mean it was Harry Styles after all.

            “Really?” Harry asked quite amused. The girl nodded and automatically went into fan girl mode.

            “Tess, stop drooling over my brother.” I told her off, but she only giggled.

What else could I do but pick another group of people to take her too, I mean I couldn’t have her making too big of a fool of herself, she’d only regret it later.

            “We can talk to him later, come on there’s a few more people I’d like you to meet.” I took charge once more, and grabbed hold of her smoothly dragging her away. I was heading in the direction of Niall, Demi and Penny but someone stopped me.

            “Jay!” The very beautiful Miss Katy Perry stopped me dead in my tracks, I loved Katy she was always so much fun and I enjoyed her company, I was so very glad that she was able to make it to the wedding.

            “Tess this is Katy, as you probably already know.” I rambled, stumbling over my words, a frown creased on my face at my very own stupidity.

            “Nice to meet you.” Katy smiled giving my friend a big hug. She turned to me and did the same, except planting a big kiss on my cheek before letting go.

            “Where’s Louis? I wanna go and tell him that I kissed his girl.” She winked, poking her tongue out playfully. I watched her run her hands through her violet coloured hair, she always looked drop dead gorgeous and I started to get self conscious.

            “That song was amazing thank you so much.” I told her, she rolled her eyes I knew how much she hated when I gave her compliments.

            “It was all for you babe.” She assured me, placing her perfectly manicured hand on my shoulder.

            “Oh hey, there’s Kristen. I have to tell her something. I’ll be back soon.” She ran away it was one of the funniest things I’d seen all night. Her heels were extra tall but she managed to run perfectly wearing them.

            “She has so much energy.” Tess commented, as the two of us watched her chasing Kristen and Rob.

            “Yeah she does, hey there’s Niall we should go and say hi.” I pointed out and off we went.


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