Hot Patootie

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I woke up the next morning to Lou’s sleep talking, he was so cute when he spoke in his sleep, I kissed him on the cheek and got up to take a shower. Today was my best friend’s day trip with Lila and Liam. I was quite excited.

“Hot patootie, bless my soul I really love that rock n roll” I sang into the shower head as I washed my hair.

“Rocky horror, really?” A voice from behind me caused me to jump, at first I thought it was Harry, but thank goodness it was Louis.

“Yeah, it’s stuck in my head.” I admitted, rinsing the remainder of the shampoo out of my hair.

“So what are you and Lil up to today?” he asked me as I stepped out of the shower.

“Well Lila, Liam and I are going shopping.” I informed him as I dried myself; he watched every move I made, which made me feel really shy.

“Liam’s coming oh how cute.” Lou teased, messing up my hair before leaving me to get dressed.

“Strange guy.” I muttered.

“I heard that!” he called from the next room.

“Good!” I yelled back at him.

He started to laugh that adorable exaggerated laugh he always did so cutely, it made me feel warm inside.

When I was fully dressed I made my way out to the living room area of the suite, I walked in expecting to see Louis there in his boxers, but to my surprise Harry was there beside him.

“Hey Jay.” Harry waved at me, he had his legs all over Lou, the two of them looked like they were quite comfortable.

“Hey Harry, did you get home alright last night?” I asked sincerely, I knew my acting skills would come in handy one day.

“Yeah I did, this place is bonkers, so easy to get lost.” He complained, while threatening to kick Lou in the face with his shoeless feet.

“Charming Hazza.” Lou complained, slapping him playfully on the face.

“You love me.” Harry said to Lou, but looked directly at me.

“Well I shall be off now, the others will be waiting.” I kissed Louis on the mouth, a little too passionately, and turned to kiss Harry on the cheek, trying to act normal.

“Bye Babe.” Lou called after me, I didn’t look back at them instead I just went in search of my friends.

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