It's my night.

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Louis’ P.O.V.

“Where are you animals taking me?” I asked the lads in the back of the limousine, we were in a foreign country days before my wedding and I had handed the fate of my bachelor party to the four idiots who are like younger brothers to me.

“It’s a secret you fool.” Liam growled at me, and Niall began his usual humorous chuckle.

“That’s the lamest excuse I’ve ever heard.” I informed him, giving him my best pout, although it was nothing compared to Zayn’s. Since Liam was going to continue being a secretive arse, I needed something to waste my time on, so I reached into my back pocket and produced my Iphone, ready to check out my twitter account there was bound to be some chaotic directioner follow me spree going on which was always entertaining.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Harry asked me, right as I was about to reply to some crazy fans, I stopped dead in my tracks and stared at him.

“Twitter, what the hell does it look like?” I asked him in a sarcastic smart arsed manner, he shook his head and held his hand out for me to hand over my phone.

“As if curly” I made sure my phone was out of his reach.

“You can’t have any contact with the girls, so hand it over Lou.” He asked, giving me the look.

“I wasn’t contacting those girls, just these fans.” I tried to show him without moving the phone closer to him, it was quite difficult though.

“Come on, just hand it over.” He seemed annoyed, but I didn’t care there was no way I was handing my phone over to the kid.

“Harry, just drop it he doesn’t have to hand it over until we get there.” Liam the mediator came to the rescue, I immaturely poked my tongue out at my best friend, who now had his arms crossed against his chest, and it had appeared that I had offended the lad...oops.

I quickly tweeted as many fans as I could, because I was feeling rather generous at that particular moment as I was just about to kiss away my freedom and all that jazz. I was happy to make those girls’ day, after all if it weren’t for them I’d never have been famous and if I weren’t famous I would have never had met Jay and if I hadn’t met her...well you get the picture.

“We’re here.” Zayn informed us, and I took a look out the window and realised where we were.

My favourite Bar in Brisbane, the guys remember I can’t believe they remembered! I looked at their pleased faces as they studied my reaction, Zayn had his proud ‘I told you so’ look plastered on his face, Harry, Liam and Niall all looked relieved.

“Okay lads; let’s get this night over with.” I grinned at them and jumped straight out of our parked vehicle.

“STAAAAAAAN!” Ran as soon as I saw my best mate in the whole blooming universe, his face was covered by a fantastic grin as I tackled him to the ground.

“Lou, I can’t breathe.” He managed to say, so I quickly jumped off him Harry then took this opportunity to hound me for my phone again.

“Cough it up Tomlinson.” He gave me the disapproving eye brow, so what other choice did I have? I stubbornly placed both my phones into his hands and watching him lock them away into the car. On the bright side at least I wouldn’t have to regret any drunken phone calls the next morning.

“Hey, Hey look who finally decided to show up.” Justin greeted me, as soon as I walked into the bar. I had invited him to the wedding for a few reasons. One – to surprise Jay, two – he was a good friend of the band, and three - he knows how to throw a good bachelor party.

“Where’s the beers at?” Niall asked, and we all headed straight to the source. I knew then that Liam was the only one going home without being totally wasted, I didn’t even care that at any moment my entire night could be broadcasted across the world, this was a night all about me, every other night for the rest of my life was going to be about my girl.

Mrs Tommo (2)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ