Phone Calls

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I finally went back to work the following day, the director was thrilled, he’d had to continue filming all the scenes that didn’t include me for the next couple of episodes, he hated doing that he always complained about how much more editing he would have to do. I bet if he was in my position he would have stayed home as well!

When I walked in the door of our apartment later that night I noticed Harry was on the phone to someone. Not wanting to interrupt I made sure to keep quiet. I couldn’t help but overhear him though; I had a pretty good idea who he was talking to and about what.

“Why can’t you be angry at me instead, she loves you.” Harry said rather angrily into his phone, he had his back to me so he had no idea I was home.

“Yeah I know she did, but I did that too blame me, come over here and punch me do something she has been drinking you know that she never does that.” I didn’t know whether to be angry at Harry for telling on me, or happy that he was going to all this trouble to patch things up with my husband.

“Don’t laugh at me Boo bear.” My heart ached at that familiar nickname, I really did miss him. I knew he didn’t miss me.

“Just come home, I’m going to hang up until you say yes, wait Lou hello? Did you just hang up on me?” he said into the phone but it was no use I knew then that Lou wasn’t going to come back.

“i bet he’d punch me in the face.” I offered to comfort him. He looked up startled and the suddenly turned embarrassed.

“You know it’s rude to listen in on people’s phone conversations.

“I know, but did you know it’s the only way to find out any information these days.” I crossed my arms across my chest and he sighed.

“He’ll come—“

“Don’t you dare.” I told him placing two of my fingers against his lips to shh him.

“I am sick of this, you know what. Next time you talk to him tell him I’m not going to wait around for him anymore.” I ran out of the kitchen just as the tears once again started streaming.

For the next chapter it's going to fast forward a few weeks is that okay?

Now your opinions, what do you think will happen next?

I kind of try to be unpredictable but lets see what you guys suspect!

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